Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

i c o Of Repentance. S E R M. ingly religious difpofitions are only extorted IV. by the immediate fhocking apprehenfions of death, and of a future punifhment ? We fhould not indeed take upon us to pronounce judgment againft men, who having liv'd wickedly, do in the immediate views of death, exercife all the repentance which is then poflïble for them ; no doubt it is the belt they can do, and it's moll: reafonable to preis them to it. But the fcriptural declarations are not calculated for that cafe, and for aught I fee, give very little ground of com- fort. Their evident deign is, to awaken finners out of their Security, and urge them by the ftrongeft motives, while yet there is fpace given to repent and to amend their doings, and that being the cafe of every one of us, what remains but that we apply it to ourfelves, diligently minding in our day the things that belong to our peace, before they be hid from our eyes. SER-