Alleine - Houston-Packer Collection BX5201 .A42 1664 pt.2

. \ ' (83) :!~vaded your hearts~ give n@t~, a little-more l\l.i . · eour m.~Y preya1l.!Oh that I ~newwhat to fay more, at tntght bnng you !on. Oh that tfte Lordwpitld et pu~ one w~rdor:other iZ?- ~y _ mo~th,that ':ligh~ .vercotne you .! that I nught !hoot one Arrow e, . th~t might fhike home, ufe one Argument ' ore, that might be cogent, and gain your ful,l fent to Chrift; that I might fe-e you fafely lan~ d ere I be parted fron1 you. Oh think,think what dreadful difappoi,ntnlent. this will be for you,that re come fo near to godlin~fs, as that youverily · ink you haV.e attairted it; if after all the joys,, ,leafures at~d hopes, the littlG fte:ligion you have ad, bath fed youwithall; you fhould at lafi: have ·TEKELwrittrn for your doon1 ; and hear that utting word ptonounced upo!l yo1:1. Thou ' art ,'eithed in the palldnce; and art fGund wanting. ' With: ou alfowould I leave a fe\V wprds. t. (Loofe not bo'th V/orlds,· this Wo·rid thouhaJl already, by leaving them [d much behind thee) e not' that which is befo·re, for want of corqing a little farther: think not ofhangingalways be... xt Heav~ri and Hell; In the other World there's G middle,either go back,or ctJme on, turn thee to e r.ight ha rid or ~o the left.' , _ I . ' , 2. Mifrakenot aU m~[f, fo-r ~tltogether; fu~ch a mi• 'ake rl1ay be mortaL Do riot tO<? ·Cafily co'ndude, ' ou hafr alreadyattained; if thou takeft fomctb;ing f Chriftianity ·eo be all, thy all is ·nothing. ~Tis ;r. onderful .thing, to; ·fe·e how eafily men fatisfic e!llfelves lf! a ma!~erof ft1ch. ~eig~t an~ intricacy., luue heat:t ts ,decercful ,. try 1t thorou~hly before ctu!t lt.{)lle· grain toQ' lign~, a,ri4 t:bo~u arc un.;; G. z · don;e:d • ..