Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

THE ·C 0 'N T E N OF THIS B 0 o ·K. BOOK I. C. Hap. ,.See. I· 'iheCoherence, anddivifionr{theWorJr. Sec. 2.0jthr[everal Dollriner deduced from theWurdr. Chap. 2. Sec. '· Ofthe fitjl DoUrine to be handled· Sec. 2· Vfe!· Chap~ 3• Ofthefecond Do/lrine and Vfer. Chap• +• Sec. I• Oftbethird D;titine. See·>. Vjc1. : Chap. s~ Sec. I. Ofthe mainDol1rine intended. · · Sec. 2· Vfe~f1error. Sec. 3• Vfe oflnco,_ragtment. · Sec• 4' Vfc ofE"Imtatio>t with Motiver. Sic•)• Otherfi,rtrofMotiver, '' Sec. 6. Vfeof Dire/lion. BOOK II. ·) . p. I' ibid. ibid• P· 2• P· 3• P•4' P·7• p.8. P•9• iOid. P• IO• p.u. P· 14• thap. t. Scc. r, Of the time whe>t Devili Jirft begin their firfl affaullr, P• I 5• Sfc. 2• IJ(thenwzn<r of Devilr a§aqlting attbat time. P· I6' Sec. 3. Oftbe ftate ofi;zfantl dying at that time, either i11 the womb, or in tbridnfancy. . ibid.; 'Sec. 4· OftbePriviledgeJ ofEleff infantrliving beyondthat time,htit for pre[tnt 11ndtr S•• · tans power. r • P• 18. Sec. s· Ofthe duty ofWrefiling, that concernr Parents in thir refpdJ. P• '9• Sec. 6. Ofthe duticr that concerns children in tbiJ re.fPe/1. P• 2 I, r;hap. 2-Sec·I, OftheDtvilr aJJaultJ ir.oury.uth, or timeofConverfion. p. 22, Sec. 2· .()j'theoccafion ofSatanr fir(! andfurious ajJaHhJ. P· 23• Sec. 3•0fthefeveral immediate affaHltJ, that Satan at firft, malt.!· p. 2-t.; Sec. 4· Oftht[everal mediate•ffaultr, that S!'tan at firft mail!. p. 2~· Sec. )• Oftbe dutiu that concern us i11 re.fPe/1 oftheimm~diate affaHitJ• p. 270 Sec. ~. Oftbe dJ<tieJ that concern us in refPEil of the mediate afTaulu. jl• 28• f:bap· 3. Sec. 1. Ofthe next atfault tbat Satanmak!s again]! HJ• P• 30. Sec· 2• OfSatanr afTau/u upon fenfe ofmifery. ibiJ,. Src. 3. Of the duties thatconcernHJ in thiJ rejpe<l. p. i 1. Sec· 4• Of SatanssfJanltHponfenfe of mifery. P• 32o Sec. S· Of the dutieJ that concernfoulJin tbir cofe. p. 3+~ sec. 6. Of Satan! a.ffauluuponforrow for fin. P•37• Sec• 7· Ofthe dutieJ t!Jai concern iu in this re[pe/1, P• 38~ Sec. 8. OjSatanrqffaultsuponfeel:jngfor comfort• p;+h Sec· 9· Oftbe fouls Wtejlling with Satan as to theft affanlts• ibid. sec. IC• OfSatan! afJaull.lHfon afightoj'Chrij!. P• +:i See. I J,Ofthefou/s Wreftlin£.with Satan am tllinlff4ult• p. +3• Sti•Uo