Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

, 12 ~£if trpal. Chap 4.S~g~ ' ·------~--;~~~~ ------------- ---- 2. \Vh1t fenfible and quickning communion we have with Chrill:in our DHti"; .]oh. •· 3· I Gor 1: t2· 1 Jolt 3 9 1o. 1 ]oh 4 13. 1 ]oh· !· 18. Jam. 1. 12. Job. )· 16. )oh. 5· >4· )oh, 6 40. )oh. zo. ; 1. Al't 16. 31· 1 10. Htb. to. 39· t]oh. 5· 1). 'fhis is the m1in bufinefs and end of all the Ordtnances of Chnll. It IS ordmary with us to terminate our Devotions wtth a ctrcular courfe of pr ying Morning and Even– ing, or of coming to Church every Lords day ; we look no furrher but only to the cxercife of the body, we fee not any thmg of.the power of Chn.t fhmmg out ilrength in thefe Duties: And therefore try we parttcularly - I. Wh thcr we have (in the ule of any Divmc Ordinance) an intimate, tender and effdtnal prcfence of Chrill himfelfwith us. . . . . . 2. \Vhether we have a con.bnt mllucnce, a q•llcknmg power 0f Spmtual refrefhing, a fenfiblc Spiritual tall:e of Dtvme love, or of God hm1fcl f I y thts 1refence of Chrift. In right p~rfvrmance of Dutie,, we come to ~ave fuller Uuiun " ith Chril! ; and by this coming to h1m, we come to, and fee the F:ther !·y h1m? And r,Lnce follows by this prcfence of Chrift, thefe three things. 1. Peace with, and a Spirit• al joy in God: z. All:rength communicated to walk with Chrill:, anrl in his power w1th God. 3 . A fealed alfurance of eterml communion with God in glory. z. For 6'racf's:~ examine-- r. The truth o1 O•·r Graces. • ..• , z. The growth of our Graces. ' "' 3. The wants of our Grace~: All which we fhall difculfe at large in the Sacrament of the LordsSupper. i SECT. 8. Ofthe manner oftrying our title to heaven, 011rright to rewmd. : -•~ I <I 1 N this great and main buline~ of the foul, obferve we thefe dire<'tions following ·; . 1. Fall down before God, and in hearty prayer defire we the offill:ance of his Spi– tlt, to dtfcover to us the plaine truth ofour conditions,and to enlighten us in our whole progrelfe in the work; and to remove from us fclf-lovc, and carnal confidence, that if we ''ecarnal, or hyrocrites, it may fo appeare to us, and that we be no longer,de· luded. • · . 2. Draw forth either from our memories, or in writing the Scripnire markes, either of grace vr ofglory; for they are both to one purpofe. I fhail inll:ance in thcfe. --.– I Joh. 2. 3. And hereby IV< do thM we k_n01v htm, if >Ve k_tep thiJ CommnndemwtJ, 2 ~or. I. 12. For oJtr rejoycing i.s this, the teflsmony of ~Jer t:onfcicnce, that in godly [impli– czty, andfincerity, wehitvehadourc·onverfationinthe world. 1 Joh; 3· 9, 10. l1h<fo– ever is born of Godfinneth not, becnttfe the feed abiderh in him, neithe·rcan he jirl, bcc11ilJe he iJ born of God; irt thinhe children of God arc manifrfted. 1 Joh. 4· 13 . Hereby: we k_now that we dwell in him, and he in'"' becaHft he hathgiven"' of hiJ Spirit. 1 Joh.3,18. We k._now that lVe have paffedfrwt dcathto life, becauft we lovethe brethren. Jam. 'I. 12. _There iNt .crown of life, which the Lord hath promifed to thrm that /eve hinJ. But ~bove all, -opferve thefe texts following, as containing that efpeeial Gofpel-condition; ro .which,we ~nd fo often annexed the promife of Jull:ification and· glorification; Ji:ih. -l· 16. God ft loved the world that he gave hiJ only bcgct!fn Sonnc, that whofo<Vcr be– lieveth in hint jltould not perijh, bm have everlajfing l.f e. ]oh. 5. 2-j.. He that bciicverh hath e•Jfrlafting life; an,dJhall not.come into condemnation, but iJ paffid from death unto life. Job, 6. 4.0. And thiJ is the will of him that font me, that every one whichJeeth the Sonne, aad__bdievethonhim, may have everlajfing life.' Joh. 20. 31. Theft things""' written, that ye might believe that Jefw ;, the Chrtjf, the Sonneof Gcd, and that bclieve– ing Y: mi,ght have I.Je through hiJ name. Act 16. T 3· Be/ievt on tht Lord J'efuJ Chrift and tho~tfl•t~lt br fa iled. Rom. 10. 9, ro. If thou jh41t Conft/J l>ith thy mouth the Lord– 'Jefm, 11ndJbalt believe in thine heart, that God hath raifd himfrom the dead; thou fl Rlt be faved: for with the heart man beiieveth unto righte/JufmfJe~ ll~d with the mouth ccn.. fejjiotJ is madeto falvation. Heb. 10. 19· We are not ofthem ovho drawback_ ttnto pcrdici· on,_butofthtmthatbdicvetothcfavmgrjtheftid. 1 Joh. 5· '3· Theft thing' ht1vel 1Vrrtten umo _you thnt believe on the Name of the Sonne rf Gud, thtlt ye ma) 1 kznw that)'& have eternall,fe. - From the firll: text we gather that Scripture-tuarke of uni.verfn.l o· bcdrence: from the fecond,fincerity: from the third, oppofi!lon ag"injf, and abftinencrfrom Su. : from the fourthJpiritual performance cf holy DlllteJ: from the fifth, alove<fcht bmhren ( from the fixth, a love of Chrift; from all the reltfatth in eh, cjf,the root and' fpnng ol all otner graces; and indeed the very inftrumental caufe ofour falvatiOn. 3· Pro·