Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap.5. Seer 4· 5 . Let us intermix thcfe means, Duties, or Cervices one with another. Chrifl: hath variety of blelfed implbyments for us, and we lhould fly from flower ;o flo~er; as fometimes hear otherwhile pray, fre<JUCntly mcdttate, and be not fel11om tn godly con 1 pany. \il/hen our l>Jfl:ings folicite us to this or that object ; ask our fouls the . ue!tion that the Prophet did Ahavahs Melfcngers, Is there not a God m lfrael, thllt ~01, jhouldejl go to Ba~l-z.tbub th/Jgod of EkJ·on ? Is there never a promife iti the Scrip– ture? never a Samt of my acquamtance? never a mercy to be thankful for? no beauty and glory in Heaven to be panting after? . 6. Labour we to get the affitlance of the Spirit of Chrifl:. This you may thmk ftrange, The 1 vind bloweth whm it hjleth, ( t,e.) the Spirit worketl1 where it lifleth; yet this hinders not but that the Sptnt may ltl to blow m the ufc of the means. Surely there arc mean;to get the Spirit, and to hinder the Sptrit; the Spirit may be wonne or lotl in the doing, or not doing ofthefc tbiflgs. -·- - -- . 1 If we would have the Spirit, then we mu:i know the Spirit ; we mull: fo know him: as ro give him the glory of the work of every grace : The want of the knowledge of Chrills Spirit is the very reafon why men recetve not the Sptnt. ltvz/1fend unto yuu the cvmforter > whom the rvt~rld eR-nnot receive, becaufo thty k.fotv him not. The world 'knows not the precioufnelfc of the Spirit,and therefore they lightly efl:eem of him: The firll means to have the Spirit, it is to know the Spirit; that we may give hilll the glory of every grace. , . . ,. 2. If we would have the Spirit, take heed that we quench not rhe Spirit; I meartndt, by quench ing the Spirit, ·a qmte putting "f it cm: But r. a growing carelclfc and remiffe in rh~ Duties of Reltgton: 2. A not chcnlhtng every good morton of the Spirit in our hearts, either to pray, or to hear, &c. 3. If we \l·ould have the Spirit, take heed that we grieve mtthe Spirit; let us not -drive him by our fins out of the temples of our Souls, di!lurb him not if!"his gr:cioJis and comft>rtable operations there, but fo demean our fclves that he may !lay 111 our fpirits, and manifefl:, without any cclipfes or interruptions, his fwcct and powerful prefence within us.. Surely the fpirit is a clean fpirit, and he loves a clean h1bitation; It is fin makes the fpirit loath the foul of a man ; Evil fpeeches, and evil action·s grieve .the fptnt of Chrifl:. . 4 · If we would have the Spirit, take heed that we refift not rhe Spirit. Now we may be faid to refi 1 the fpirit, r. By not domg the good required, when we hang off from -that goOd to which we are lhongly moved by the inward P" lfations and perfwafions of the ~pirit Of God. 2. By finning againfl: light; in this refpect the fins again:[ the fecond Table refi t more then fins againll: fome of the fine, becau le thefe are finncs againfl: a · multiplied light, againft-the light of the Word, and light ofthe Spilit, and light of Nature. 3. By falling into foul fins; fuch as are the manifejl dads <fthe jt jh, as aduLtery, fo:mcatw~t,. lmchannrjj, l~fci~ioufncjfe: indeed there fins are nut fit to pe named amongl1 Chrtll:tans. Bmformcatton~ and allunclemmrjf.o:, or CQVet"J;fnlrjfe, In it not be vncc named amon_( you, as becoinerh Saints. This !all: is called Idolatry, Coloff. 3i 5. Now th~ n~me Idol i.n Scripture cloth fometimes fignifie an'Image, or fculpture, or– teprcfentatton ; fometfmes an heathen god under the notion of a falfe God r and fometi'mes an·heathen god underthc notion of filthy, unclean, and abotuirtable, 1 Ptt. ~.. 3. 1Cor.1o.7,8.l(a. 57· 5· rCor.6.9. Thercafonwhcreofwas,beta\Jfein· thetr ldol-fea!ls; and Idol-worlhips they ufed thofe heathen villainies of filthinelfe and undeannclfc, Revel. 2. 14. or at leafl: their ldol-feafl:s were wont to be previous, and preparatory to fornications, Afl.< 15. 2:>. Revel. 2. r 4 . 0 thcfe are foul fins, which ~ere a !home for Chrillians t6 name, or fpcak out, much more to commit: But why ts c.v<toufnejfe unfit tobe.named? ~n~ why is it called idolatry? Some Criticks obferve Very well, that the word m the Ongtnalts ~"'''E'" , which Is not covetotifnrjfe properly, but znordmare de fire, not only of wealth, but alfo of ltlllS', rhofe nefanda; . that were common to the Gentiles: 0 take heed of thus rrfifiing the Spirit: this is a defperare 1 'and a dangerous fin. . 2 Kin&i I· :t• JohR 3 a. Joha 14. ,·,. i 1 Thcr. s. 1 S· Ephcf. 4· 30. Ails. 7• SI• John. •i. ·~ 5: If we would have the Spitir, letus pray' forth~ Spirit: Thi·s was the nleatis rhaf Chnfl: ufed . I w,/1 pray the F~ther (fatth he concerning his Apol1les) and he willfcnd'th:. ~::Jorrer toY"),'·. And this·wanhe means Chrifl: put us upon, for ~fyo~tr earthly parents gzvegood t mgs tmto thezr chtldrm, how m11ch more well yo~<t; heavenly Father give the · Ltil<: 1 ;: 1 ll;"" Holy Ghoft unto them that ask_him i' Prayer is prevailing with God, it is wrelll'Cfs'ancl pleating to God, 1t wtll have uo denyal; ' . • R 2 6. it.