Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

THE CONTENTS of PRIMA:- OR, The Firfi Things. THe nece!fity ofRegeneration; The gerurality andfubjefl of Regeueration. The manner of Regeneration, The ij[ue and effects ofRegenert~tion. An Appendix, containing a more particular Method of Regeneration: Wherein Chap. I. THe occafton and method ofthis T>·catifo, Chap. 2. Sect. I. Th< firft means to get into the New Birth, Sect. 2. &c. Stns agt~inft thefirft Commandment to the 111ft, Chap. 3· The (econdmeans to get tnto the New Birth. Chap. 4· Seel. I. Tloe thzrd mean; to get mto the NC1P Birth. Seer. 2. &c. The ftrft, fecond anAThzrd rea(onfor furrow, <Ehap. 5· Seer. I. The meansto be dlievered out ofthe pangs·•! the New Birth, Seer. 2. The Promifos procurmg afight ofChrift, Sect. 3. The Promifesproc~tring a deftre after Chrift, Seer. 4· The Promifes yroc11ring a relying on Chrift, Seer. 5. The Promifes procuring obedience to Chrift, Sect. 6. The Promifosproc~tring comfort in Chrift, !!eel:. 7. The means to apply the[aid Promifes, Sect 8. The Conclufton. Page I 4 II I 22 Page i$ 26 ibid 31. ibid. 32 ,t.~ ;t;l 3$ ibid 36 37 The Contents of the DoC!rioe and Direetions; But more efpeeia!Iy the PraCl:ice and Behaviour of a M11n in the ACl: of the New Birth. THeoccaJ!ionofthi& Tretuife Pt~ge 4T Chap. I. The Sollls Preparation · ibid Chap. 2 Seer. I. The gmcral Ci;·cumftAnces ofpreparation on Gods part 42 Sect. 2. Thegeneral Cirwmftances of preparation on Ma~part . 43 Chap. 3. The Subftamial parts of Prepar11tion 011 Gods ptm, or his difpenfation ef bis wor/.:..on the Soul · 45 Chap. 4· Sect. I. The Subjlantial parts ofprep"ratiofl on Mansp.m, oube di(pojition of the Souls by Gods Wor"- 48 SeC'; 2. A fight of Sin 49 Sect. 3. A fenfe ofdivine Wrath 5 I Sect. 4- Sorrow for Sin 5z, Seer.). Thce.went of this Sorrow 53 Chap. 5. The Call on Gods part, forthe S•ul to clofe with, and to rely oil Chrift 5 9 Chap. 6. Sec'!:. I. The Anfiver.,, Mans part for the Soul to clofc with, rmd to rely on Chrtft 6o A 3 Seer.....