Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

Chap s.ScCl:.t 2. fay as much to any man,and we were bound upon pain ofdamnationto obey him. d get our hearts into this hab1tuall frame; thefe thoughts (1f well mcdttated ?n) would inuch abafc us, and keep us from contemnin~ any man for h1s mean condlt1on m th_e world for we know not how foon a good con{etence may bnng us mto the l1ke conditi– on. Certainly to have thcfe loofe and dying affe,'tions to the cnjoyments of the world, are greater mercies then the enjoyments themfclves. . . 9. Ltt all go indeed, rather then be brought to the comnntttng of any finne : tt 1S better to endure all the frowns and anger of the greatcfl: of the Earth, then to have an angry confcience within our brefl: ; it is better to wantall the profits an~ pleafurc that Earth can afford then to lofe the del1ghts that a good confc1encc w1ll bnng m: 0 let the bird in the b;eafl: alwaycs be kept finging, whatfoevcr we fuffcr for it; it is better we lofe all we have, then to make lhipwrack of a good confcience: In this cafe we mufl: be willing to lofe all, or elfe we arc loll: in the enjoyment of all. I confeffe it is no little matter for them who have much of the world to deny thmfolves m thofe thmgs that give content to the flelh, c@fidcring the corruptioh that is in t?e hearts of the children of men ; 1t ISan hard th1ng, and feldome hath fucceffe to g1ve rules for the ordering oflife to men "ivho are in great profpcrity in this world; For a man to bef't on Bern. Ep· 4 1. h1gh, andyet tu have the heart k!pt down, it is hard and mmfnal, fayes Bcrnard ; butthe rr.ore unufuall, the more glorious; the more hard, the more honourable ; the more rare, the more comfortable it is to yield unto 1t, S E C T. 12. Of the D7nyal of our Worldly Pleafures ; and ftrft of Camions. THe next common end whtchnaturall~ me_n purfue .'nd feck_aftcr, and which we mufl: deny, 1t IS pleafure: In prolecut10n of thiS (as m·the former) I lhall { Cautions. give fome Directions. The Cautions are thefe.--- I. That pleafitre, delights,recreations are in foJlle fcrife lawful and laudable,nameiy, as m a fobcr, moderate, feafonablc ufe of them they ferve for the rcfrclhing ; comforting, and fupporting ofour frail weak bodies, whilcfr we live here in this world. In which refpccr the Preacher could fay, 7here is nothing better for a man then thnt he jho1dd car, and drink, and delight hu fenfes. And again, 1permve there is nothinu better tben that a man jhould rejoyce mhis own worhs,for that i.r This portion. And again,~o every t?mg there ts a ~nfon, and a ttme to every purpofe under the Sun. A time to weep, and a tune to 1augh, a tmze to mourne, anda time to dance. Thus, and in this fence ... ar1d in their feafon we need not to deny them. 2. Notwithil:anding the lawfulneffe, and laudable ufc of plcafure, yet we mull:' deny them as m thefc cafes. 1. When they arc baits to draw us unto finne ; thus it is faid ofthe wiCked They takJ the Ttmbrel andHarp, and rejoyce at thefound ofthe Organ, theyfpend their days in mmh. -And then 1t follows, therefore theyfay;mto God, depart from .us,for we dcjire not the knowledge ofthy ways ; what is the Almighty that we ji>Midjrrve him .? and what. pr:ft jhould we have ifwe pray unto him .? Men given to plcafurc are very ready to caft orr thetr God. Ecclef. 2. 24, Eccld ~· 22• Ecclef.Jo t, 4· Joh.zt.r2,l3 9 If, IS• fi 2 . When they are finne, or the concomitants of finne, or the fruits, and wages of n~~e. Thus Solomon found them, and therefore denycd them, I faid in my heart, go to • " 1 {afd 1 \VIII prove thee wtth mmh, therefore enjoy pleafure ; and behold this alfo is vanity; Eccl<. 2 ' 1 ' o; h .oflaughrer, tt u mad, and ofmwth, what doth it? The fumme Of that book is this h' en ~olomon forfook God, then he ran to pleafures and vanities and fought every· t mg t at fhould pleafe his carnall eye, and tickle his vaine fancy' · but he no fooner ~e~u~ns hto himfclf (as the Prodigal\ did) but he f.1yes ofpleafitre, this i~ vanity and of mlrt 't IS1s tnadneff'c, and of laughter, what is this thou doif I ' sE. cr.