Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

• Gbap.6. Sdt.o. reply"d, Y"'f.'Y tm<,for God of a m an will Jitf/ain his in the Name of the Lord and Jl'll!l be glonfied in my damna- mfirnliiJ, bttt a w"mded{pmt flay upon his God. ucn: If any offered to pray, rvhocanbear? . 2Cor. n. 8, 9. For this or to reade,fhe ufually .cryed 1 Jfar. 54· 8. In a fettle thing I befought the Lord out, "'""-'too late to pray for wrath I hid myfacefrom thee thnce th,lt tt mrght depart her; and th('y Jbould not rc~td for~ mQn~tnt, but ~vu/, LVtr- _ ftom m~, and he fa1d unto that pure Word ofGodby her,11ajlmg kfndmfs Wtil I have me, My grace is fufficient for it belonged not to her. At mercy on thee, Jmth the Lord .for thee. lafl: God appeared and lhe thy f!.cdecmcr. . I felt marvellou5 comforts. I S E C T. 1 o. Dcceites ofthe h~drt beguiling. Experiencu. Texts. I648. Jer.I7-9• Theheartis Gen .15- 11. And wheit deceitful above all things, the fow!es came down t:pon 0 Clob. 2-f. _One thus and defperAtdy rvicked, the carcafes, AL,·ahamdrove took notiCe of the h k . . ~ the111 away. flipperindfe of his heart in w ~can now lt · Mat, 26. +I . \Vatch and theveryac1ofperfonnanec: Rom. 7· 21 > 22 > 2 3· I pray, thatyeentcrnot mto Sometimes it jlily Jleals away fnde then alarv,th~t when temptatiOn ; the Spurt m– after idle and wandring I would do good,evt!ts pre· deed ts wrlling, but rhc flclh imaginations: fometimes it fent with me : for I delig/Jt is weak. letJ inbafetho~tghts ofpraife' in the law of God after the Rom.7. 24o25.0 wretched vam-glory, &c. fometzmcs u inrvard man; but I fee man that I am! who fhall mifeth up many good and hqly another law in my members dclrver me from the -body mottoru, medttattons, dejires . . ' of thts death? I thank God ,.nd affeClions, whech yet are warrmg agaznji the_law of through Jefus Chrifi -our nothing to the prcfent perfor- ~Y m~nde,11,~d brtngmg me Lord: So then , with my mance; aird therefore come,:nto captwrty to the law mtnc!e I my felfe fervc the -not from the Spirit ofGrace' of fin whicb is in my mem- Law of.God, but with my but from Satan. 0 cheating 1 bers. flefl1 the law of fin. cozening heart. r Pct-4-7-Be ye therefor.e fober,and watch unto prayer. I had gathered many more .Experiences, but that all ttjfcm:e (though but tak.fn,) >nay be removed, letthefe fieffice. One/y for his •wn privat<Jtfclet the Chrij/ian reader addc theft. which I look._upon M the mojl conjidm!ble ofall the reft. S E C T. I I. Saving grace, or firjlgrace to poor perijhing crCittHres. S E CT. I 2. f!.!!.ickzting grace, either jhining on the foul ina dark_ conditiw, or enlivening thefoul to ferve God cheerfully. ' SECT. I 3· Strengthning grace, either overco1Ki11g corruptions, or refjlir~g rempt~t.• tions, orgoing through hard a11d difficult dmiu. . CHAP.