Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

I . ------ ·-· ·- ....__ ______ To the Reverend All THOR, on ]-1is Learned TREATISES, INTITULED PRIMA, MEDIA, & VLTI MA : THE jftrrt, 1!}9itltlle, and JLatl 3tbings. I· B[i. He First, and Last, a.nd Middle Things : ~ _ What mor<'l ? · ,. , Thus the well-furnilbed Scribe out of his fiore Brings new and o,ld. · The First Things lay the Ground, TheMiddleBuild thereon; By th' Laft All's crown'd. By the Firfl things Chrifiians begin to live; The Middle things afurther progte!fe give In Spiritual life; by th' Lafl they live for ever! T hofe things that God bath joyn'd, let no mgn fever. The Firft Things wrought in me (t'ord \) let me find, . And to the Middle {o direct my mind, That when the Firfl and .li!Iiddle Things are pafi, I.may~n joymy hopes, the befi: at Lafl. The