Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

l'lal. '4· ,; Kfay 29. rs. Job 21. 14. Jcr. 17· S· CHAP. !I. Sect. r. Tbe ftrfl means to get into the new birth. THe means to get into the new birt!J, is firll: Examination: and the way to examine, is to fet befoJie mc;n that Chryllal-glaffc of the.Law for therr / and rule: To ~his purpo(el have liere annexed:;. Catalogue, or T~blc, to lhc1~ them their offences. not that1 can poffibly enumerate all fins,but only th~kinds; and if herein I corn.; fh,m' yet-the confcicnces a1vaked may be-occafionea liereby to bring into their thotrght~ thofe others not mentioned. · • Now then ( whofoever thou art that beginncll this bleffed work) examine thy felf by this Catalogue, but do it warily, and truly; and where thou fi_!!d~fl: thy [elfguilty, etther note it in this book, or tranfcribe it into fome paper, that fo they may be ready for thine eye when thou comell to Confeffion. Sect. 2. Sins againft rhefirft C•mm~tndment. ] ~every Commandmentwe mn~ ohfcrv" both the 'duties required, and fins forbid– den, for both thefe are unp!ted m every one of the Commandments; if in the firll: thou'ari gpilty, thou mull: anfwer negatively; if in the fccond, thou muf! anfwer affirmatively: now then to proceed. . . His'the firft Commandment, Thou ]halt have no other Gods bttt"me. \ ' . For t!Je duties here reql'irrd, Say firll:, hafl: thou ever in minde, will, and affections, ·took the true God in Chril~ to be thy God ? Secondly, hall: thou abounded in thpfe graces by which thou lhotildell! cleave unto God, as in the warmth of knowledge, and love, and fear, and joy, and ~rufling in God? Thirdly, hall thou obferved Gods mercies, and promifes, and works and jupgements upon thee, and (by a particular application) took fpccial notice there~ of? Fourthly, hall: thou communicated with the godly, and joyned thy felf to Gods peopiC, and delighted chiefly in them ? - .,• Or for the ftns hereforbidden. Say firfl:, haft thou not fometimes been guilty ofblafphemy, qr idolatry, or witch– craft, or Atheifm, or Epicurifin, or herefie? Secondly, hall: thou not been guilty of pride, a fin flatly oppofing God, and lirft committed ·by devils? Thirdly, hall: thou not had inward reafonings that there is no God, orthat hefeerh nor, or k,notveth not, or that there is no profit in his fervice? Fourthly, hall: thou not failed to love God, and fear God, and to put thy whole truft in God? Fifthly,. hall: thou not tmjied in man, or feared man, or loved the world, and thereby alienated thy heart from God? Sixthly, hall: thou not referted to witches, or in the firll: place to Phyftciarts, and not to the living God? Seventhly, hall: thou not tempted God, and in the matters of God, been either cold or lukewarm, or prcpoll:eroufly zealous? Eightly, hall: thou not a proneneffe to fin, yea to rebel againll God, in thy whole man? Ninthly, hall thou not been care– leffe to perform the inward duties of Gods ·worfhip inftncerity and trnrh? if in thefc thou hall tranfgreffed, then haft thou broken this Commandment, Tho" ]halt have no. othergods bm me. · Sect. 3, Sins again if thefecond Commandment, I T is tlie fecond Commandment, Thou foalt not mak§ ·to t'hy fflf .,f:y gr.1vet1 Image.] · '· 11 For the dmies here required. Say firll:,haft thou ever worlhipped the trueGod purely according to his will.Saond– ly,hafl: thou obferve<l all thofe out-war4 du.tics of his worfhip, a~ pr~ycr,and vows, 1nd • · falling