Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

For fo it is, that either the foul feeth no need to depart from (in, or ~lfe_it thinks it ca•J help lt[< If out of fin ;the firlt is called Swiri1y, when the foul bemg bhnde, takes refr, and f~eing no need to be better, defires it not th~refore : Agamlhhts the Lord fends Comr:rion, caufing men thereby to know the mtfery of fin, and to fee need of a change: The fecond is Camal Co_nfidence, when _a finncr begms tofeek fucsou~, and to fcramble for his own comfort m hts felf-fuffictency : agam!r thts the Lord works HJJmilimion caufing the foul hereby to fee the weakneffe and emptineffe of its Ditties; and that theie is enough in its bell ferviscs to condemn him for ever. Before we fpeak , of the worlzf, it is not amiffe to begin ;vith the lets.. . . ·, . · . . The firll: is Sm.ri1y: When the faults take~ up Wtth a fecurc courfc, and relts tt felf' well apaid in his own pra{tices, and therefore It n_cver fecth any need ofa change? n~_r ever goes out for a change: Now whtle a man ltves thus, a~d bleffLt~ hrm~lf m h~s. fin, it is impoflible th·tt ever he fh0uld recetve fatth, or by the power of fatt~·repa!r unto Chrifl : where fatth comes, tt ever works a change, Old thmgs are done away, artd_ then all things arebecome new ; The Lord therefore to remove this let, he burthens the foul extreamely, and fayes, Tou will live in drtmk,snnej[e, in coveroufneffi ; )'ott will hav' yoHrjim, then lak_syot(" fins, andgetyou down to hell l~<th them, At this voyce th'e finncr begins to fee where he IS: Is thu tme? (fa1th he) then I am the moft miferable creature nnd<r heaven; therefore as they faid, Men and brethren, whatJha/1 we do i We have bem A(h 2. 37• thtu afld thm, bttt rfwe rdt here, it will be oitr ruinefor ever, 0 whatfhallwe do i So the foul comes to a re!i:leffe dillike of it felf, and faith, 1 nutft either be othenvife, or clfe 1 t~m but a damned man for ever. 2. When the foul is thus refolved that it mull of necellity change, whe1i it feeth his wound and his fin ready before him to condemn him, and it hath (as it we~e) , a little peep-hole into hell ; the foul in this di!i:reffe fends over to Prayer, and Hearing, Md holyfervicc, and thinks by his wits and Dmies, or fome fuch like matters, to fuccour it felf; and it begins to fay, ~hearing andmy prayer, will not thefe(ave me i Thus the foul in conclufion re!i:s on Duti<S: I willqot fay but thefe Duties are all good, honourable and comfortable; yet they are not gods, but the Ordinances of Gad. It is the nature of a finful heart, to themeans, as meritorious to falvation: Aman that feeth his Drunkenneffe and his bafe contempt of God,O then he voweth and promifeth to take up a new courfe, and he begins to approve himfelf in reformation of his wayes: then he cries, Now 1 will have no more dmnk_snnej[e, now no more fcotfing and fl'orning attho(e that go to hear the Word: and then he thinlzf, what can 1 do niore i to heaven I muftgo. All this is but amans felf: Why fo? Chrill: (who is rheSub!i:ance of all) and the pith of a Promife is forgotten; a Chrift in hearing, a Chrift in praying is not regarded, and therefore the poor foul famifl1eth with hunger_ Miftake n'ot, I pray you, thefe Duties mult be had and ufed,but ftill a man muft not ftay' here : Prayer faith, -There unofalvatton,_n me; and the Sacraments and Fafting fay,thcre is nofalvaiiiiti in m: all thefe arc fubfervtent helps, no abfolute caufes of falvation. A man will ufe his bucket, bllt he expects-water from the well ; thefe Means arc the ·buck_sts but all our comfort, and all our life and grace _is only in Chrill:: if you fay, your bu~~t fhall help you, you may ll:arve for Chnll:, tf you let 1t not down into the well for water: So though you boaft of Prayeng, and Heari~g, an,/ Fafting, an;J of yd~e~ Alms, and bHildi'!g ofHofp.rals, _and of your g~od deeds, 1fnone ofthefe brmg yotrto a Chrift, or fettle you_on a Chnfl, you fhall d1e, though your works were as the wotks ofan Angel. As it •s wuh a graft therefore~ firfl it m~fl ?e cutofffrom the old ltock; Secondly, it m,Pll: be pared, ,and made fit foruu~lantattonmto another: ·fo the foul by Contritt'on beiri~ cut ?If from fin, _then Hmmftat.on pares tt (pares away all a mans priviledges) and makes Jtfit forthe mgraffing into Chrill: Jefus. Thus much of the lets noW for of Comruz,on 3lld HHmiliation. ' SeCl. 2. .A fight of Sin. '' BUt ~or a further d!fcov~ry. of thefe two nec~ffary things, w~ fuall enter into particulars, and begm firlt With Comrmon; whiGh con>ains tf\efe ll:eps. { A fight of fin. . ' , Senfe of Dwine wmtb, · _ Sorrow for fin,