Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

16 Chap. 1 Sttr. 3· the Sentence of final Abrolution,and fo fetus in full poffiffion of entire Remiffion: Be. twcen both thefe, there is a progreffive work of Ju(hjiuuio~ , by the con!bm adings of the SpiriJ: applying t)l'c blood of Chnfl by the hand of faJth, to the quiet and com– fort of the foul: The firlr we may terme mitial ]!tjliftcation, the fecond progrellivc, the lair perfetlive: the fecond is the frwt of the firll:,and the preludial atfuran:e of the Jail : The firfi is wrought and fealcd m the lirfl Sacrament; the fccond IS wrought and fcaled in the fecond Sacrament; and both thefe bra~ches of ~acramental Jujfzpcation, are to us the pre-affilfance of that complemental ~na perfecbve J~<Jhfcation, the fen– tence whereofputteth an end to all fears, changmg our Fanh and Hope mto fruition ~~~~- . It bath been commonly faid by fomc of our bell "Divines, That ]"ujlzftcatiO?J is tranfacted inour fir r Union and Incorporation"into Chrifl; at wh eh time it is coocef~ed fa: 1 ,;'t fien~~: That toe pardon of allfin is fe~led to the Be!ivcr•atonc<. But I feal' the mif-under!land: pal1, P ercnr, il!!$<of this pomt (not untrue 1111t fclf, 1f not mdlaken and m1fapprehended) bath 4aid anrt ro come thegroun<l upon which fame build that unhappy Structure which turnnh the grace of :;c ~~:l;o~~~ Godmto •vamonnz!Je.-wbo knoweth not that Juflzftcmzon 111 the proper acceptation of the 1 m'} ray(hat word, according to the Scriptnre-phrafc, is the_ a[f of a Judge prono1mcmg " j~:d1cial }t:lttc.w •on fmtencc, wherein heabfliveth the perfon of•theJinner from allfin.andp1mijhmtnt due to him vrope. ly fo for fin, andthatfor the alone Righteou{mjfe. tf the jitrcty Chrijl, freely ''"fHted, andby caller!. is Faith received of hmz? And accordmg to th1s, I fuppofc we Jhal! not errc frolll the truth :.;c~ug!1'! y~u if we fay. 1. That aw6rk ofJujlificalion, is even as yet to us f~ture, ~-iz.. at the great would kaow and Jail day of Judgment, when we Jhall rece1ve .afinal. ~mzucjl, and difcharge, l>o~" once ? and When God !hall wipe away all tears fi-om our ey-es: And yet 2. That in our fir!l Ia.,lwe.· with , Union with Chrifi there iS' of Jujfzfi.cation, viz.. ad ual Imputation of Chrilts ~vc_r, nr! , Righteoufnetre, and aClual Remiffion of all finne, or ofwhat fin for the prefent the ,,;~·:"':: 'e;. foul !lands guilty ofat once, or at that time when its lirlt united to Chri!l. I dare tlu<!ing denot fay, that (<>) ]uftijiclttion, quatemu it c.mprchends Impmmion, ""d Ronj]ion ·cf fn, g-en' . 0 "': is ohe individual a er; or that all fins, pall, prefent, and to come, are remitted t"11 /fia"' 0fi a . to the Believer at once; but this I fay, That in our lirll union, all our fins pall and pre– .,"'_;ell•~, ar fent, areactually pardo!Jed ; and this favour received, is a pled::le ofatfurance; that in ldl : and ar future alfo, by applying our felves to Chri!l, we may and Jhal! receive the forgive– '"" as exnetfe of our daily fins, ~nd that at the !all day we lhal! at once be abfo!ved from all ~~~~:f i~~i J\ccufatibns ·and Charges laid in againll us, and that (b) Jlljhfcation(befides thofc ] particular acrs of pardon; and In;p~tat~_on of Chni.ls_R1ghtcoufnetfe) doth connote a ooecoli•inucd ftate that the fubjec'l: at hiS liril: bel1evmg IS put mto, v•z.. Aftme ofgracc, and favcur 11\ f~om our and reconciliation with God, for tht imputed Rigbteozifneffo •f Chrzjf without Apojfacy vocauolnfiro ~'rom it> either total orfinal. o.ur g un1:a- J' , , ·;. ~\:-.~\ tJon ; and 1n •· . "· tharicnfe woare jufiifiedbut once; Biihop D>wname •f '/•flificario.,. Or, as luroed 8JrgeJ, dt '""• u cooaoriog a flare we lie per inro upon our believing. B" getof ]•flifi.-'<in"Jn: ' , _ • Som<eall this, ya. dala~d imp• ope\ !ffiJfira•)on. fori' onely comprehends t)l~ pmicular a(js <ifiir, as ~<mitling offin, and i•rpuungJofChrJlh rJghreoufoen(', which arc Gayly and conrlnaal!y JJ":rfonued. . b fhere is (fay (Of!~<) ado,uble norinoofJulbficarion 1. Uni verfal, and pro.vcrl_y fo called, 2. p., tiil, a.n~ 'll'l'•·o– Pedy (o calkd 5 or rhere ,l!a:)ufirfidmooofthe perfon 10~ flare; anda Jufirficatron repearerl, or m her a 1 cilerare~ remiflion ; for! doubr »'h~tlur lt mal •I! '~lied Juflificdllqn, faJtft .Ah~ot, R~ttht·,jorrl, and othct s. ,. 0 glorious Priviledge! efpecially in thefe refpe&s." . 1. By 'this a./inner-is righteous; a wonder that may altoniJh Angels, for a man accurfed and finful in himfelf, to be at that very .inflant bleil'ed and righteous in a– nother! 'Our own Piitics; Works and Reformation mny make us at the bell bufl~[s •fl.!!od rta:.m finful, but this Righteoufnefs makes ifinner*fiolefs. ' ·- ' ' . 2. By this a /inner is righteous before rhe Judge'mentoSeat of God: It is God tbat Rom 8. 32. jujlijies, ~>ha ]hall con.drmn·?•not Chrill, he is our Advocate; not Sin, for Chrifl was made fiQfor us; not the Law, for Chrifl hath fulfilled the Law for us; not Satan, for • Non foom.>li God is.otir Judge, aiid ifhe have acquitted us, what can the Jaylor do' ? - & inrvinfe'<~ 3· By this we have perfe& "Righ.teoufne(fe : we ' ale as pe_rfetlly Righteous, jzzjlit a, frdre- *"' Chrifl the righteouh·•!Little childrm, "let no man dtce'fve JOlt, he th"t doth riffhU· J.Ui\14, NO'l q111- , j 1 , , ' ! 0 •d quan<ir.tem, fed •eilt~lf!P·- fit eoim fi~h.l.<pplicarioinfinit< j.j/itil, Si dlirer, 4qReiiufti ejfoma. ut Clzrijlus,p-:!Jimur aliOJ ("!– ~.,, "'· Chriftus; or"'" ') l,rJI'i laChr,zflr ~~ ·~~'•,•o.n q~oad uqrverMtmv•lprem,fd partrcularem neceffira~em, & mp.ra– tur •_obrs, non ur caufirJal::au'"'' [ed ut (ui>iell>i [alva~dis; juftitii fihrijli eft ~ere m." iroria, <JOjlro aurtm a . "'""£'-"''•· ]ujlmaCl.r fir(/! f•bJtllrw rnb,fiv•, .,., tanr•m j <Ornmuniwiva quoad•irturem& elfiwlam, 1 Joho 3· 1· •Hfnejfo