Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap. t .Seer. 3 Looking uvto 1if114, BooK lII. 153 ch~ift' and none but Chrift. Allrhe prm:ifes.rf God in him are I Tell, 11nd Amer;, untotheglcry r.f God b]us. Tl11Swasverydark-2. Cor I , t(), ly hc:ld forth in the firft manifefration of the covenant to Adam ; but now in this breaking forth of it, it is very fully expreffed, and often repeated; thus Gen . I 2. 3. in thee foallr,en tq 8 a/L the f.rmi/ieJ of the Wth be bftj]Pd. an_d(;en, 18 , 18. aflg:~·~~: :8 : the 1111tions of the earth foal/ be blef{ed in Abr~th~o~m . and Gen. See the (arne in 22. 18. in thy (eedfoall all the r1ations oft he earth be f!rf[ed. In Gent6.i , anJ comparing thefe texts we have a cleare underftanding thereof ; 1a 1 1· in thee, in Abraham fhall all the families, and nations of the earth be blelfed; but left Abrahnm himfelfe fhould be thought auth{)rofthis univerfal bleffing, therefore is the explication, in thee, (i.) in thy feed; and thisfted faith the apofrJe veryexpreffely isJefus Chrift; now to Abraham an,J, his feed were the promijesGal.3.16 m111de , hefait bmt, and to fteds, t/J ofmttrl} , but as of one , and to thyfeed whichlrChri.ft. So then here is the fenfe; outofthy pofierity lball fpring the Meffiah, by whom not only thy pofterity, but all the nations of the earth fhall be blelfe-d. You may remember 111 the firft promife Chrift was called the feed ofthe WG• man; but now the f eed of Abr11h11m; Chrift was the Son of Eve, or (if you Wtll) the Son of Mary, and fo the feed of the woman; and M11n was a daughter of Abraham, and fo Chrift , and ·< l' M ary and all upwardswere ofthe feed of AbrlfthAm. But where fhall we find mention of the paffion of Chrift in this exprdfure of his covenant to Abraham? in the firfi manifeftarion it was included in that phrafe of lmtfing his heele, and furely this is effential to the covenant of grace in any overture ofit: fome anliver that this is thrice put on in (he paffage of this covenant with A- · br~tham;firfr,in the federal confirmatiOn by the fmoflkjwgfurnace,G n •r and burning l11mpe , that pafJed 6etweene thofe piece; of the facrific r; c ' ' ' 7 • as the facrifice was divided , fo was Chrifrs body torne. and as • the fmoaking furnace, and burning lampe paffed betw~ene the divided pieces, fo the wrarh ofGod run betwixt (as I may fay) • and yet dtd not confume the rent and torne nature ofChrifr, 2 . Geo, r7.•o,r1 In that feder:tl confirmation by the figne of circumcifion :. there could not be circomcifion wit~out fhedding ofbood, and where God commands lbedding of blood in any of his antient ordinan• ces, it. doth certainly reach to the blood of Chrift, and his eyerlaftmg tc:ftament. 3. In the refolved Sacrifice of If~tac ~ X whick