Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Book III. Leoking unto :Jefl/4. Chap. I .Sea:. 4 j~--;--}e would have believed me, fur tJ'v!ofes wrote of me~ and as Phi/To told Nathaniel, we have founa him of whom Mofes in the Law·, J h and the Prophets did write 'fefus of N a<:.11reth, Job. 1.45. Surely 0 ·I.4f· Chrifi was, ifnot the onely fubjcct, yet the onely fcope of all the Writings of011ofes ; and therefore in the Law it fclfyou fee we finde fomething of Chrift. · 3. In the Expolition ofthe Law, as Mofes gives it here and there , we finde fomething of Chrift. Yea , if we obfcrve it Mofes brought fomething more to the expreffion of Chrifi , and of the covenant of grace, then ever was before: in the firft promife it was revealed , that Chrift fhould be the Jeed of tb. e woman; in the fecond rna nifefiation of the promife it was revealed that chrift fhould be of the feed ot Abraham; but in Mofes Writings, and c.Mofes time we learn more (!xprelfely that Chrift was to be both God and man ; or that God was to be incarnate, and to have his converfation amongft men; the promife runnes thus; and I will dwell amoHt.. the chil- .:€xoc!.:9.45,6. dren of Ifrael, And will be their God; and they jha/1 kpow that I 11m the Lord their God, that brought them forth out ofthe Land cf Egypt, thAt I may dwell amongft them; 1 11m the Lord thtir God. The fame promife is renewed , or repeated , and I will Jet my LevtG II 1 T Plbernacle amongftyou, and my [o11le jha/1 not abhorre yo11; and I • · • ' 1 ' wilt walk__ among you, and I wilt be your God ,and ye foal/ be m) people, this promife was punCl:ually fulfilled when Chrift was incarnate, for then was the Word made jlfjh, anddwelt amongft m, Joh. I . I 4· Or ifit be referred to the habitation of God by his Spirit amongft the fpiritual feed of Abrahttm, then it implies the incarnation ofChriil: , bccaufe tha·t was to go before the plentiful habitation of Chrifts Spirit in the Saints. Againe, M ofes writingofChrifi, theLordthyGod (faith he) >'Pili raife upuHto thee a Prophet from the midft ofthee, ofthy brethren lik_e unto me ,·.xr;;. · unto him jha/1 ye hearbpt . Was not this a plain expre!Iion? Peter in his Sermon to the Jewes· preacheth J efus C brift , and he tells thcJewes that this 'fefrss Chrift wns pre111ched unto them before : when before? even in M~fes time, and for proof he cites this very Text, for M ofe: truly faid unto tbe fathers, a Prophet )Jail the Lordyour G{)draife up unto you,ofyopr brethren iik! unto mr, him fha/1 ye be a~~ i..JJ all things ,wha~{oever he fhall fay unto )!itt. 4, In the confirmation of the Law we finde fomething of Chrifr. It was confirmed by Seales ,. and Sacrifices, &c. What were.