Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Locking unto !Jtfus, Book .I. ; , Confider that your daily. neceffities call for a frequent looking up unto {efm; you have need ofChrift, you have need that he pray in you, and need that he pray for you to your heavenlyFather; you have need that he work in you, and need that he work for you his own bJelfed will; yoil have need that he pre- , fent you and yours blamelef• before hi s Fathers prefence in lift, and death,and at the judgment day; there's not a moment in your life, wherein you ftahd not in continual need ofJefus Chrift; And can·a hungry man forget his·bread? can the Hart that pants for thirft forget the river? can a ffi3.\l in bonds forg~ freedome ? can a child in diftrelfe forget a father in honour and we:llth ? Oh then let your neceffities drive you to Chrift, and minde you of Chrifi; Is not he the founta!n that fupplies all wants? Chriftians ! confult your own Expei'lences; when you loo/z up to r ef ru, and leane on Jefus, arc you not beft at refi? 0 then why do you not alwayesreft and leane upon l)im? fometimes you fc1y, hi.· · bread i! fweet , and hi? cup if pleafant, how ,m'Jiab/e if his pref ence ? at fuch a time you have ~ever done wondring at him ; . 0 the fweet impreffions that are even then on your fpirits! why do · ~1 ou not thenalwayes loolz unto him? or at leafi, why are you not frequent in his difciples pofture, who !ook.§d ftedfaft!y tow,-:1rds Ad.t. Io htavm .u Chrift, went up? how rich ly might your idle hours, and fpare time be laid out here to the fupply of all neceffities, boclily,or fpir-i tual? 3. Conlider that an eye , an heart on Chr'ill: is one ofyour moll: unquefiiona'ble Evidences of Gncerity. Where your treafure if, Ma:,6.21 there will y our hearts be al(o. If Chrifi be your treafure, your hearts will beonChrifi; and furely ,an heart fet upon God in Chrl£1: is a true evidence of faving grace. External aCl:ions are eafieft difcovered , but thofe of the heart are fi1refi evidences : when thy learning will be no good proof of thy grate, when thy arguments from thy tongue and hand may be confuted, yet then will this atgument from the bent of thy heart prove thee fince:·e. Take a poor Chrifi:ian that hath a weak judgement,:~ failing me~ rnory, afiammering tongue, yet if his heart ~e fet on Chrift ,' I llad rather die in this mans condition , and have my foul in his fouls cafe, then in the cafe of him without fuch an hearr, though .he had the mofi eminent gifts, ~ nd parts, and abilities of any in ~he world. 9lrifi:ia1J~ ! as you would have a fur~ tefi:imony of · G the )