Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

DxnicATOR.IF .... we hope thehefl,we·humbJY. ?e~your .e(.'vfaJefiiesprbteElion Er"·~ . 11! again!b the l'POY~, hecaufe the datesare e}ltU. _ VVehave but two things to prefent toTour e5Vf ajefl:ie. ~heyare theper[on toTour memory;an~ thishi~work,toTour eye. ForthePerfon,wecan add_enochmgtohtm.. To~ame him isenoughto·allthatknew htm ; and toreadhtm,wtll b~ eno~gh to .them'thatkne'Y. himnot. And though Yer~ue have but 'tts due, when t ts commended, yetwe concetve not how praife ~;Day mak~ virtu~better than it is, efpecially when thepeifonmwhom tt was,1s deadtoall encouragement _ or corn foi·t by it. And yet though 'Vertuecannot thus be . bettered; it may be righted thus. For, Yivorum ut magnaaJ.. PA!,:;tp; ~ miratio, ita cwfura dijficilU.. Tis eafie to admire the living, Hift~ andwe doe it, but 'its hard to cenfure themany way. Both becaufe there will be no preferring one before another without offence : And becaufe, as w~know not whatmay come·upon them before death, fo the cenfure may befo good,as theywill ner'edeferve; or fo bad, as though they do .· deferve,theywillnotbeare. Twas7)ihultu,hiscafe. The . . ,. admiration ofm~n b~~ carried hin: up to hea}len?no lower pl~ce would ferve hurt, Yet when lt came to awifemans cenfure, !if:.!.. .:t hepr~fe~ed, hee_~nm ~ogroundfor that admiratton, andlejfe ~!d~~en~ ltlorthtn htmfor fucb ahetght. But '\vhen men have paydal19~e~ their rights ofna~ur~toCleath,and ate gone i?to theirfil~hce• then where admm~tton ceafeth, cenfltre begtns. Now tfthe cenfure be heavie (asitistqo oft upon the bell:) yet then it fhould be fparing for humanitie fake. For that humaQitie,. which forbids the ritling ofagrave . bids forheare him that is !hut up irt it, and cannot an!were: But if the cenfure be go~d, you may _be boldwith the grave : And you cannot pralfe any fo fafehe as the dead; for you cannot hmrtor them tnto danger, nor melt away your felf~ it)to flatterie. . . ThePtrfon therefore, whofew_opl£s thefe are,was ttdm h1s youth,aman ofextraotdinarie worth and note. A man, as ifhe had~een tnade up ofLearningaridrertue. Both of them f~ emtnel)t in him~ as 'tis hard to judg~, which had . A 3 precedenci~ • ..