Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon IO• Ofthe NATIVITIE. us,till Hebriqg}tS, whither~ Eyen to A prh;~ipio,back ag:tine to wher: w7 were at the beginning :andarrhebegmmng, we werem l'aradi(t, That our begmrung lhall be our ~nd.Thither Hewill brmg us : Nay,to a better efiate then fo : to that where. unto evenfromParadife, we lhould have becne tranfiated, tothe State of. ·· 'eternitie,to thejoyuand joyful/dayesthere: even, toglory, joy, and - btijfe etmMII. To which HebringHl,even our blelfedguidr, . thar,chis day,was inBethlehe111,~orne totliat ead,Ie- , · r.,. Chnift the RighteQ/i?•.; , - J' ~ * *~ . ' - . ~ . ··-T ,...., ~ . ~ ... , j,_ '·-' ., A SER~ :L ..i.L \\•~~; . 95