Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 1r. Ofthe NATIVlTIE, 101 Bid theJew, hecan b~t tell you; of his La~nbt, neit~1er. And, ,;,_~ile rime was, that was not amilfe; w~ule 1t ltoodw reference,toSamt !ohn /Japtijls Lambe, the lohn0 9 • L A M • E of G 0 o., th1_s day, yeaned: as ha~wg the ol'crauon 1 the work_tng, in the vertue of that. That be1ng now pall:, there IS nomorem the lc.wes, thanm rheGen. tilts [acrifce. Beajls, both: both, lhort of f~tisfying. So, for all that thefe can doe, or [ay, nomeetingwill there be had. . . . . bnlythechrijftan Belzgton, that lhewes thetru~way. There1s One, there, thus {i eakerh to Iujhce: SacrtficeandJi."·oifmngs thou wouldeft not have; thenfazd I, Loe I . . 4'~/IJe.He,ofwhom it wM wrzuen, m the volume of ~h~ booke,that He.f!Joul~ doe t~atfeat; PCaL4o."6, Ice; brptu alltem aptajli mihi, Make Hzm ab1.dJ to doe lt m, ancj He :v1ll doe lt•. GIVe H1m anortlll eft, let Him be but borne, HeWill make themmeet !lra1ght; Iaffzce, and all. · For all the world fees, iforder could be takcn,that He, that theSonne ofG o o,rhe wo;dandTruth eternal/,'Yould fay Loe I come; would take our n1tare upon Him;and, in it, lay d.Jwne Hi. Soule,a_n ojferingforjinnt; there were good' h.opeof contenting Ephof.p.; Illjhce, and that thec.Meetmgwouldgoe forward. Demfangume mft•o, Go o wzt.h Hi;blottd; What finne in the world would not that ferve for~ Iuflice, in heaven or earth, would not that farisfie ~ If yee fpeake ofan txpiation, a ranfome, an .ov1JAN<fl'~ (C H1\ 1 s T s owne word) a perfeCt co.mmutation, che,re it is. This had, Mauh. rl.• 6 .– Iujlimvs!l meet, embrace, kijftc.Mtrcy,jhakt hands,,Joyne (nO\v) fnends; In11mz enmz · inqM repropitier, I havefound that norr1, wherewith1holdmy felfe fully contentandpfta. lob.JuJ., .fed. This way,yee lballmakethemmeet; or elfe, let icalone for · '. Verfe X I. rruthfoaO hudout oftbe earth; andRighteoufn,effefoal! loo/{! Jonmefrom HettVen. A Nd thisis it, the ChriHian Religimfets beforeus: !rowthe Soltneofthe moll -; ThdJirrb'. High GoD of heaven and. earth tookeonHim our Nature~ that, inour '1'{~ ';.~~~:_rr• tft ttm, for our Nat#rt, He mtght make to GoD (evenjlAIIdom termtnu Itifltti.e {t-.e, as the Schoole-men[peake, jlanding on the Urmes ofhu moif ext1l1jlrilf jaffice) a cornpleat, full, every way fufficient fatisfaEtion. And this (loe) makes thenzeeting. This honour hath the chriflian Rtligionaboveallother; thisglorydothdwe!linour land; that thefe foute, by CH R 1 s T s Birth, in it, are brought, not onely toob- 'lliaveruntfibi, bur even to& ofcalat.e funt. · And, ifthis be theglory, be not they thefbam~pfChrinian proftjion,that cherifu intheir bofomes, and enrertaine with ll:ipends fuch, as are come to this (phrenjie, I will call it) to fay; what needs any (atujalfion? what,hre we, whethe( Iuflice meet or. no~ that is (in effeCt) what needs CH llt sT ~~ Canaot Go o forgive offencesto Hi!!~ made, of His freegoodnejfe, of His mercy, without Pl!tting HisSonnetoall this ,P~me ~Fondmen! IfHe would quit His Iujlice,or ~vaive ~isTruth.He could: tM, Hts IuHzceandTruthare to Him as ejfentia/1, as intrinfeca!lj ejfmtia/1, as His Mercy : ofequal\ regard,every way as deare to Him. It~ffi,ce otherwife remaines unfarisfied: and, facisfied it mull: be, either on Him, or on us. For, with beafts, or prayers,irwill not be : And, it will hold off, till it 'be. If Iuifice be nor fo met wich, it will meet \Vtththem: And, they had better meet 4 flue-heart r1hbedof her whelpes, thari meet Pror.7.x.> 1u11rceout of C a a I s T • prefence. . . 1 h Tous, theymeet, thisday, ar theChild.hoafe. For thefe gre:tt Lights could _not t usmeet, but they muft portend fomegreat matter as it might be fome great Btrth toward.The Aflrologersmake us beleeve, that in th~ H~rofcope of CH • 1 >T sNativi. 1':nthetewas~ great Trigonof(I wot not what)Starl'es met together. ~herheraTri– K11 .or no ;thtsTetragon (I :mt [ure) there was thefe wereall(rhen) mconpmlfton, a 10 theafcendent, all above theHorizon at on~e At ortaefl the Birth, of Verita& theTruth, de \trr£from theearth_;Theoccafionofdrawing rhefe foure togerher•. . ·~ .. ~.,.._ . If ~- Ym l/1$