Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

! • Ofthe N At 1 v 1 T rE. 10~ Sermon t(. -With Righteot1(11<{/<, it workes two wayes .: Fir(.t,.downejhee lookes. Whetherit '. shedu.te; was, thatflJC 1 nilfed Tmth, ro fee what was become ofher,and not findmg her inhe 4- ""'"'· 'Veil, ca!t her eye to rhe earth• .But there, whtnfhe beheld P:erbttm c.nrofaa~em, rhe iohn i.,~; Wordjlejh,the f{'rflthftefhly j}mng there, where it hadbeen~· a!l:range p!anc ~ong time . · before, Ajf>exit ~nd Rejf>extt,{he lookedand lookedagame at it. For, a·~ight it w.1s, to ve rodrawtbe'eyc; yea, a fight, fori:Ieaventobca Speet~tourof; forrhet.Anrn~ t~ come downearid looke ar-;for Righteprif'neff'e,id'dfe, to doe fo tbo. ll•es«•'l<u ... • f:rhe Angels word (in Saint.Pem:o: ) ~t.a•b4euis the Septt~agint' • \:vord here: boeh •.:t:ct,1,,_~; cane one thin<>. The Gmke.word!s tolooki (as we fry) wt(h(y at1t, as 1fwawould iooke lid eventl~orow it ; the Heb~ew word, (that) is, as ifRighteoHfn;!fe.dl.d bent out 4 wi 11 dow: So defirous was fhc, to behold th1s Szght, · , . And no marvcll;for,what couldRighteotif'11ij{e defire to fee,and fatisfie:her feffe with that in Him, was not to be feene ~A ~lea11ebirth, aholy life, an ·i11nocmt-'deat# 1 ~ spi;ita;damOtlthwithourguile; aSouleandabodie without Sim!e; , InHim,fhe be• ·.heldthem all. Them, and whatfoever elfe might yedd:her.f<Vl.f.~tisfaetion: LaJ.. judgermflf to the mle a11d righteoufnelfe zn the ba!l~nce, ~othmg obltque, Will b~ folltld in Him, nothing, butjlraight forthemle; nochmg mtnUJ babms, but full we1ghtfot the balla11Ce. Thus, whenTm(h,from ibeearth;then, Righteou(ne/[t,ftom betVrJen. 'fheri: but not befor~. Before, Righteoiif'ne.lfehad no profpect, no.winJow open this way. She turned away her £1cc; fhut.bcr eye~;clapt to the cafement; would not abide fo mudias to loo!(e·hhher, atus,a fort offonorne finncrs: not vouchfafe us once the call:.of her eye. The tafe·is now altered. Vpon this fight, fhc is not <;mely content, infomi!: {ore tocondefcend to door, but fhe breakcsa wmdow thorow to doe 1t; And then ·:md~verfince this [ Orta ej1,] 01elookes upoa the earth with agoodajf>ec1; aad·a;g-oJ . •;' ' ajf>eff, in thtfe celejlialllights, is never without Comego.odinjluencewithall.. , ·' ,·, , But then (witl:in a'Ver(e aft~r,).not only downe)be ~ooks,but dow11eflJ_t-comes~Sucb • no\iine}btt apow~r amachve 1s there,m tlus Btrth.Andcommmg,fhedoth nvo thmgs : 1 .M~ets 'P"'"· · fir!t; for, upon rhdiewofthis birth, they all ran firft; and Kijfed!the SofJne: 'Ancl ;~ne'>· that done, Trttthran to ,14-ercy, and embraced her; and Righteorif'rre!fe to P.eace, and • T~·k<if:.· , kilfedher. They that had fo long beene parted, and !l:ood'out in difference., now meet, and are made friends: Howfoever (before) removed, in ortu veritaJis, ~b'1oli"(- vmmtJibi;howfoever (before) e!l:ranged,:now, ofcr;lat£(tmt, ' • .' And, at that birthof His well met they all,inwhom theymet aff: TheTruth He Luke r.7.8; is: andpervifi:era Mifericdrdi.<He came,thro~tgh t!Je tmder mer<ief ofourGoil :arid ~ ~o(.qo. l He is made toUJ righteot<{neje; and He is our Peace, All rheet i11 Him; for indeed, all ep c ·'·'t• He is; that no marvcll, they all fom·e meet, \Vhere Hcls, that isalljof're, · And,at thismeeting Righteorif'm!fe,fliewas not fo offward before, but f11e is now :ts forward ;as forward; as any ofthe refi; Markethefe three. ': . , ' Lets not Pe4Ce prevent her (as.Mercy didTrttth ;) l.iut 1 as Mercy to.Trttth,firft; fo;' f11e (fir!l:) toPeace: as forward as Mercy every way. · ·, · . '' • Nay, morefQrward thanMercy: for, Mercy cloth but meet Truth, and there is all; but !he, (as more affcetionate) not onlymeets Peace, but ki!fes her.And (indeed') Rrghteou(ne!fewas to doe more, (even, to !;ilfe,) tha: ir might be a pledge offorgd– tmg all formerunkmdne£fe; that we may be [ure f11e rs perfeCtly reconciled now. , I And one moreyer (to fhew herthe mo!l: forward ofthem all,) out ofthclaft Verf.,.i;l Perfe. At thts meeting, fl1e followes nor; drawes not behi~d, {he will not goe wi>h ~hem: She IS before,leavesthem to come afcer,and beare the tra.ine: She (as I;J4'Vi4) ~,bcfor~ the Arke: puts Saint Ioh11 Captiff from his office, f<>r the tilt!~; Righteor<ff) ff<1s h1s fore-runner: Rtghteorif'ne/Jc}hall goe~efore, tread the.way b.cforeHtrn; the Jl on 1 noftnow of all the company. By all which ye may know "'hata/ooknt was; . lC ookedwithfromHeaven. ' ' · Thus ye.fee, C n ~Is T, by His comming hathpacifiedthe thingsinHeaven. A ~ccce ofJfofanna, i.spaxin tf})lis: There cannbt bepaxiJJ terris, till there,it bc,firl!. Cololl:r , 0 · m, l!O Oonetthcre it is, but it ispuce in earth !J:raight, ;~hich (~'cordlng!y) was, . . . ..! '· · K '!·