Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon rr. Ofthe N AT r vI T 1E. Now as this of Mercy andTrreth emer us; fo tmth (not trttth.alone, but trttth with tmth?s paire,)withrighteotljnef!e,carryus forw~rd to Gon.Tr~th IS not enough; not the tmth ofRelcgton,ncver fo knowne,never fo p1o~erfed; not Without R•ghteouf11' Trt thisbur the light, to gmde us ;Rtghteoufnef!e IS theway, to bnng usthith~r. 105 A l;~ht Is to {ce by: A>MJ is to goe in: So is righteortf'!eJ[e.Itfoll_owes !lraight!ponet . ref!i# in via, Rcghteotljn_e!fe foal!Jet m rn the way of Hts !leps . Steps, that 1s, the v"r"l· ~ourfe oflife. For;{ct~ntc (by.knov:.ledge.of the tmth, )and notfaczemz, (by the acrice ofrighteotif'nef!e,) peccatum eJitllt (f:11th Samtlama;) andplag.e mutt,., fa1th lames 4 • , 1 , • ~~intlames his MaJfer. Sin~e; in thatman that fevers the[~ two, is le1fe pardonable, Luke "·H· · and more punifl1able, than many other. . ' . _ .· . And then,tumeRighmufne!fe to Peace, and they will not meet barely,but (more thanmeet) Ki{(e, in figne, there is betweene them more than ordin;try affection. Fac jtlflitiM•,& /,~bebir pacem, (Saint Augujlinefiands much on this.) E(cheiV evil/ and Pf.'l.J4.>t: doe ?ood,Caith he, (there 1s Rtghteou(nelfe:) and then,(eekePeace, and ye lhall not be long infeeking it; She will com~ forth, her felfe,to meet Rzghteotljnejfeand kijfe her. And this he a!fures us,as a cermne figne,to know on the one lide,true rzghteoufnef!e, (for, that tends topeace, not to quelhons and brabbles, whereoftherenever will be end: ) So, on the other fide,tr~~t peace; that kijfesrrghteoufne/Je, comes not together · (likeSampfonsfoxes) by the tailes, by indireccmeanes,but clearely and fairely;Such Iudg. rs.rf: meanes, as all the world will conferfe, to be right and good. Now marke the order,how they !l:and. M~rcy leads toTmth, and the kno.vledge ofit; andTmth toB.zghteotif'neffe, and theprAC!tce of 1t; and Rtghteou(nelfe to Peace, and the wayes ofit, Gtlides ourfeet (fir!!) intothe _way.ofPeace, And,fucha way lhall Luke '·7i:· there alwayes be ( doe all the:Controverjie Wrtters wbat they can : ) a faire way agreed upon of all/ides, que!l:wned by none, m wh1ch, who {o orders his !leps aright, mayfee thefalvation o(ot!r Go o. Even the way here chalked out before us: To lhewmercy, and fpeake tmth; doerighteotif'ne!fe, and followpeace. And by this rule proceeding in the points whereto wee are come alread1e, even thofe truthes, wherein we areotherwife minded, would in due time be revealed unto us. This is Zacharies peace; and this of his well followed, in tbe end will bringus Simeonspeace, Nttnc dimittir in pace; to be dtfmdfed, to depart hence in peace: and Luke •·•9: Paxin novif!imo,Peace at the latter end,is worth all. Peace, in the end,is a blelfe·d end; and the beginning ofaPeace, which never lhall have end. l,fercy our beginning, aad Peace our end. This forrhe meeting; as in CH r.. I s T, [o in ChriJ.fianitie, or the courfe ofa Chri!lian mans life. Now aword,for the.centmuanceofrhis meetmg,For,I aske againe : Metthey to The continu• patt ~By no meanes; bur, as they be together (now, ) fo to contmuelhll. We had anceofthis ~uch adoe to get them cogetherthus: Now we have them fo, let us keepe themfo "'"""L· ~n any wife. For!as this m.eelingmade Chrifiianity fir!!_: So, there is nothing marres Jt, butthe breakmg lt o_ffaga~ne: No greater bane, to 1t, than the parting ofche[e. . Let me tell you tlus: Samt Attgujlzne 1S very e1rnelt upon this point, ofthe kee-· pmg ofrzghteotif'n:lfeandpeace, (upon this Pfalmeand this Verfe;; and of truth and m<rcy together, ('In the next,)uponmi(ericorsand verax,againlt them that would lay holdo~mercy, and let goetmth. 0 <faith he) that will not be: theymet together, they will not part now; Either, without either, will not be had. And fo, ofrhe rwo ~thers. There be, that would have Peacr, and paffebyRighteoufnelfe: T11forte unam ;aherevu,& alteram non vi< (faith he) you would gladly have one (Peace;) and for VJhteorif'mffi,you could be contented to fpare ir. Aske any, wo; 1 !d you have Peace? ,. thallmy heart, he will anfwer. There is no having oae without the other; of– cu am,., h4,amanth.e ;why they kijfe, they love together. Si amicat» pacts nonam,z.._ veru,nfon amabittepax, ifye love not her friend (that is, RighteoufrJejfe) lhee will none o your! T k h f S . ""' - . S . ove. a et at rom amt Aug11s.~ne. , . . . ll:bt thisdowne then; Chriffianitieisameeting: One cannor .meet : TIVothere ffi!J e, aud they may. But it is not ameetingoft.vo; but, of tiVOwith two : Co, no leffe