Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon q. Ofthe NAT rvhr.l'}. IJIIOdhabuit 'dedit (and Go o wot, it \V~s but trvil, ttJites) yet y.rell 1 taken th()ugh : One iuJ'ol<i~ by'another. That He placeth oot !lcceptance, ~e1the.rJn '"""'"' deepe capacity ofwit; nor iniu!lWz,;~, great hab1hry of porer; bur m<'uJIW,·~.readinelfe .of o> oodwill, an honeft truemea~mg,an unfeigned heartte deftre_: Vt Ji fu ac7ton!< .'IJ}rmi– fas, at.ji fit voi 1111 tatis ir>tegmas, thou~h there bewe4knelfem theac1, yet 1fthere be Jo 1 mdnef!e in the wtll, o~t ofH1sgoo~wt!ltowar;dmm~. He w1ll accept tjllSgaP.a' Jll!l{ 'IJ men a .l!iehe!llia's deftre to feare H!m. b.Ezekla f Jettmg._h% heart.t:o (eekt; T'he ~Ser- •,' vanisbutpreparing to doehis Maffersw!ll: .And ev~ninl)avid's Je&un4t'm .ror·meum, ; I.~~g;~~·!~. hishonefitrueheartwasfalreftflowermhlsgarland; · ,. · ·· ; • H· And d1is,ifit were wellweighedarld digeil:ed aright; IfC HR., I s :r ,,ifall.that -•4· comes by CH a 1 s -r (and 'that !s all mall) bebyHis freegrace aqd.fayour; .If men were but rightly conceited i,n this point, i:t would foone bring them out o(conceit with their ownei wotnocwhat; It.wouldniakethem rruely humble: And it is the. - ;.\ humble man that gives Go o, the trueg{orj, that fings _this fong right, when ~ll if? done. Theglory that comes io G? ·o,isJ'i~•·N•_•"'"'"'' the firll: w_o\d, forthe,1ail:. Withglory it begins, withgood •vtll!t ends; andw1thgood wtUlt begms,and Wlth.glq! 3 o-; rieends: As the.ftrft {ball be laff, andthelajl jrft. . . •.. ,, - But, when we have fixedbona volrmttt5 in homines,,what hurt will-it c!oe,to wifh • Then, 1• hon4 'fJOitmt,a inhominibm .? Sure,none. B•na volunttt5 in h~mines is to worke thi~bo, mtrt: nam voluntAtem lnhominibm, and that by vety courfe of kinde. For Suum Simile, grace to beget his owne like, is moll: naturall :Bene placitumDei, to beget Beneplaci-. ttlmDeo 1 Who, o~t?f H1s good pleafure worketli tn :"both towiU andt~ do_e ;<and. l'hil.•.r ; whofe only worke Jt IS, Vt reJPondeat bo»£ volttntatt Du, bona volrmtas hommt;. - 1 · What harme then, iftheAngel/fhould wifb it or ~ommend it to men,in who:U if itbe,ircomesfromthatofGo D me~rely, :indfrom,nootber. v~rily:, what-is praife.worthy in Go o, cannot but be fo in men t09•Jif11ll"aReligioni< eH,aftim;tar~ Eiquemcolis, To become like to Him, we worfhip,{Hliepitch of all Religion•. ' , Now,an ivJ'o<izatthe fecond hand there is in men. The word it (elfe is afcribed Rom.rpo; to them of.Achaia,towardsthepooreSaintsat Hierufalem: To Saint l'aultowards Phi 1 •o.r~ the /ewes: To thel'hiltjpianstowards Saint Paul: andinothe.t;pJa.:es; . . ' · ·' f· . i To wifh theninmen this £uJ'o.<iz toward G 0 D; which,where it is,makes men to' t!nmcur,..· ,!',.;;~;.·.,have agood conceit or opinion of Go o; which will bringfotthagood af- ward• <iiO D. fechon to Go o. It is well obferved, it is not""'~" a,·,,,".(wbich is properlyGreeke forgoodovi/l) butiul'o•i•, which is rather agood thinking; ifwe goe to the very nature ofth~word ~But, it will come all to one. Onely, theajfec1ion that begins in theopimon, IS noted for good; and theopinion, that is bred in theajfeClion, not fo. -. From that good conceit ofG o o,a-ccepring well whatfoever it pleafeth Him io fend : Ifgood, receivin_g it thankfully ;·ifotherwife,taking it patien,tly; eyer prai/ino– G 0 D for all. But, nowaies entertaining, of Him, tliat opinion,for which they ca.n": not but love him the wor'fc;if, as ofa:Tyrant [eiltenGillg mf!lj.,to death, oQ~\i for His re.{il¥e, before they have offended himat·all. That.wouldptgye.Qo<p;J'o~<(~,as 1t may . ehandled. And theApoffle tels us,the NJ'"''"· that is.iii,G op, is ;uJ'or.lz aJ48o<v'"'; it . IS not, but regulate byHisgoodneffe (• Thejf.I.) for which ever may there be glory • Thcfl:i.ri, a[mbed toHim. . 1 !hen,to wifh it inmentowardsmen.' Ati •..i.JivJ<, alfo,which,where it is,breeds an • In men to· 1 nc. tnation toJ',,_.:;-,·,;:,, to take all in the better plrt;and ifpoffibly we can,andas m11ch R'~:;:':r.':s. aon m lyuh,to havepeace ovith all men.Which ifit were onearth,would makeheaven · · ~nearth. Peace is not faid-(asg/ory) to beJ<;; bur Om); :md-e.m is·ove>'< ~For, (indwi)jt cot\but hover aloft over theearth, would liiflt, but cannot otherwhile. TheRaven ,an, Ut theDovecannot for want ofthisBon~volrmt.a inhominihm or thefehomines 170114vllu tt' I fi ' ' d f, h' n 4 "· t ndsthemnotwell willin"topeace, whileeveryoneltan smore 0 ?fu ~s-ownerepuration,or otherends,than eid1erfor C/mrclm oJ. C(J!mtries eeace. B~ u 1 0~ leoppofitesofov!lr.i•,Envie(Ro. 10. )Malicc(Phi!. r. )andpeacewil br; no firJnger; dp darth.Itwould thenbe<v:l'~-where it is c,n'l';;., the fame Prepoflttonmboth. All Phtl,•.•t, epen supon thecadence;ulor.>'•: performe that wel,and it wil beMujikefor anAngel/, M 4 And