Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

. -----------~~~~--------------------~ Ofthe NA't rv1 T 1&, Sermon 15. ~~~~~~~ft'W~~~~~J.i~ SAitlt Luke calleth Faith, the* Dooreof Faith: At this Dooreletus enter. H~re I. is acdmming: And He that commeth to Go o (and fo, H~ thar,to CH R 1 s ·r) mujt ;heit Fa~r.. heleeve, that chrijlts: [o doe rhefe. They never ask~, Anjtt; bur, Vbtjit ( Nor,W:he· A(\.•4· l· ther, bur whmHe u borne•. They th~t askevbt, q/Jt natu:? take nat''; forgramed ; preftlppofe, that borne He 1s•. Herem 1s fazth: Fatth, of C H R I • T s bemg borne; the thirdArticleof the chrijftan Creed. And what beleeve they of Him~ ·Our of their owne words here : ' FirCr, thatNatu;, that .UorncHcis ;andfo,Man He is: His Hl6mane Nature. z And, as H;s 1{_dlnre,[oHis ojjh'e, in natu;eft Rex,BorneaKmg: They belceve rhac too. lBur, Jnd 4 orummay feemeto be a6arre: For then what haverhey to doe wnh the Kmgof the/ewes? Th.ey be Gentiles,noncof His Lieges; No relation ro Him, at all; What doe they fleking, orworjhippingHim~ Buc,weigh it well, and it is no bar. ' For, this theyfeeme eo beleeve: He is fo Rex lttd£orum, Kingofrh~ !ewes, as He is ador,wdus a Gentibu;, the Gentiles to adore Htm. And, though borne m Jewry, yer, whore Btrth concerned them, though Gentiles, though borne far off in theMountaines ofthe Eaft: They, to havefome benefic by Him and His Birth; and for th:ttto doe Himworjhip, feeing o(jici11m fimdatur in Beneftcio. 4 As rhus borne in canh, fo aftar He hath in heaven of His ownc:J!dlamEjfls, Hisj!ar; He the owner of it. Now weknow, the fla-rs aretheftars of Heaven ;and He, that Lordof them, Lordof Heaven too ;and fo, to be adored of them,ofus,and ofall. 5t.Iohnputs rhem together: The Root and Ge- R<v..;,, 6 , nerationof David, His Earthly; and, The 6:ight Mornin~J!ar, Hi~ hea.venly. or Divine ·· ·· generation. H£c, eft.fides Magorum, thts IS the Myfiene of thetrf.uth. In Nat~ts eft, Man; Inflell•m Eju;, Goo: In Re:<, aKmg, (though of the Iewes, yet) the good of whofe Kingdome fhould exrend,and itretch it felfe far and wide, to Gentiles and all ; andHe,of all tobeadored. This, for corde creditur, theday-.ftar it felfe in theirhearts. Now, to theBeames of this.ft•r. Next toCorde credit11r is Orefit Confefio, the Cenfefionof this Faith. It is inveJr.' nmmt dicentes, they came with it in rheirmouthes. Venmmt, they were no fooner Th: wort<of come, but they fpake ofit fo freely, to fo manv,as ir came to Herod's eare,and r,roub- 'h¥1 Fallb. led him not alirrle that any King Of the Iewes-{hould be1vorjhipped, bdidehim[elf~. {,g;,~~·~T,~~~ts So then, their faith is, kept to rbemfelves, without ever adicenm, · without faying any thing of it ro any body. No: Credidi, propter quod locutusJttm'; Theybeleeved,andtherforetheyJFake. Thejlar in their hearts call: onebeameout at their Pfll.t 16.• ~; i mouthes. And thoughHerod, who was bur Rexfarfm, could evil! brooketo heare o'f Rex natu;, mufl: needs be offended ar it ; yet they were not afraid to(ay it. And, though they came fr?m the Eaft (rhofe pms, ro whom and rheir King the !ewes had long ume beene captives and underlings.,) rhey were not afhamed neirher,to tell,tlrar, One of the .Iewes Race they came to feeke; and to feeke Him eo the end to rvorfhit Hzm. So,ne!therafraidof Herod,norafhamedof CHR.I'O'r: burprofelfedrhcir Er: rand, and cared not who knew it. Thisforrheir confefingHim boldly. " _But,Fairhis !aid(by the* Apoftle) to bcwb,,,a.ndfo, there is a aood Crottrul, z ~~d "'n&, and fo,hath a goodReafon f~r it.This,puts the difference b~cweene Fide. Thei< Grma: u, anbd Credulm' or (as Salomon termes hun) fatu«<' qui credit amni verbo : becweene ;~·~Its emrn, F•,t ,and LightneJTeof beleefo : Fuith hath (ever) a drotmd. vidlnuumim, anE· Pro\4~;·;: mm,aRe.fonforir ;and is ready to render it. How came your~beleeve ~ A11divimtu j,'m ;For,we haveheardan Angel! (fay the Shepherds: ) Vidimru enim,for we have Luk.z.•ol i eene a;t•;j><fay the Magi:') And this is awe/1-grottndedFaich. We came not of our .. . o;ne ea. s; W_e came not,before wefaw'fome reafon f0r it; fawthat, which fepis 0 commtng, V.:dnnm enim SN/lam Ej 11 s; · · ridimm