Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

161 is)di;mdo genuit, betottco _o~ly byo1a'ying ; .Q~ely.fcid theword; and it was tlone, arid the Wordbecamejlejh. Th1s IS the_fecond par<. •· . .. . . . The third i~ the harde~. For 1t would m~k.e one lludie,(.Filtt~ met« tte) hdw this . Ioh.x.r.j. fhould be aLaw, asherett IS called. It l_ooks not hke one. -Buc,fatd lt n'mll be, \Vhich HI. C H " I , T hachfaid-: A-LawHedlls 1t~and abarv we mufUind lt. Now,there be buttw~ lawp (as.che Apo.frlecells us, Rom. {If. Z'( ,) Lex.fidJt,; ·and Le;•fa61omm.:· ~£, ~otbtl\efewaies;a .Law lt be,~ Law 'we fhalLfind ~;.And bo;h·~hefe way~sn:'.Law ~t 1s. • '1 J;exfidei, A llarv!umtrng,.vhat to b.el~eve of Hun, Of H1m (thatts) .ofH1s PerjM ; His Na~ures : a?d His·offices. His:pcrfon;out Q£ rh>words~_Ego,and Tre. His Nacures, oun>f Hodte, and [Jenret. H1s•ofjiaes, out of Pradzcabo,artil Legem. 2 Then LexfarJorum. Setd.!lg ollt fidl:, wh:>t he doth for us ; and then what we arerodoe for Him. What He dorhforus (Filiu. meu. tu). tq us FieconveyerhaliFi– liallrights. What we to doefor Hi?l (Filiuoneru.ttt) we to.rccurne eo Him all F!lia/l dttties. Which duties are compnfed mPr,.dicaho legem. And legem, that law 1s no more,than Filim meu. tu : for,Filit« meu. 111 g'qesthrough all,and is all in all. Thefe arecheparcs. Ofthefe,&c. · · PRadicaboLegem (faith CH K I .$ T.) And welikeitwell,that He will preach. But L He hath not chofen fogood.a Text :Legem.were a fitter Text for Mofes to preach teg•m.· on. ' We had well hoped, C.,. RI s T w0uldhave preached no law ;all Goffe!l; He. That J:le would havepreacb't downe theoldlaw, but not have preach't up any new. We fee, it is,otherwifc. A lawHe bath topreach, andpreach it He will : He faith it Himfdfe, Pr£dicabo Legem. · So, ifwe will be His }\.udirors,He tells us plaindy,we mull rec6ve aLawfrom His mouth. Ifwe lovenotto heareofalaw,we mullgqcto fome other church: For in CH • I s r s Cht~rcb (there) a la1v is preached. C H • t s r began, we mull fol– low, and fay,r:very oneo.fus·(as He faith) Pradicabo Legem. Nay ,there is another point yet more llrange. Thefe very words here[ F iliiu me-· "'t~<,&c.] areas good G~(}ellas any in th~ ~~· Tejlament; yet are here (as we fee) delivered by Him under the terine of a ,-Law. And we may- not change His word: wemay not learneCH "' I s T howto.ufe His tl:r!I)es. J'Jle words are plaine,thereis nd avoiding chem: a lawbe callsir,and'a:t~w it-is; t , Firll: then, to take notice of both tliefe. , I. That C>i un will preach a law; and .that they.that are not for th~law, ;lre norfor CH R I s T. It was their quarrell above (at the thirdver{e) they wopld none of C H R I s T, forthis verv caufe, that Chrijl-comes preaching the law,and they would live larvle{fo: they wouid endure no yoke : that were the Sons of Belial; Belial (that is) noyoke: Bt/t whAt agreement bath, Cor.6.r i. Chrift with Belial? And then :·that thefe words Fiiiu. mew tu, are alaw J and fo as a lawbyCbrift preached. So as in the very Go/}~{/ it feHe, all is not GoJPell: Come law among it. The veryGoj]>e/lhath her(a!V. A!aw Evangelical!there is, whichChrijl preached: and,as he d1d, we to doe thelike. (Whereof, more is to be litid by and by.) In the meane rime, it is not wichoutdangenoletany fuch conceit take head,as' ~~?ughChriftian Religi~n had no law-points in it, confilled one!y of pure narratives: m:eve them;_ and aUuwe/1 ~ ~adbutcertameTbefestob.ehdd,JogmMica//pomrs,_ 1 ttersof op1mon. And true ltls,fuch pomrsthere be; but they be nor all. There IS ba •wbbcfi~esan,d iehath precepts; and they to be preached,!earned, and (as a law) t<> eo eyea of all. · . Lookbut imo.theGrandCommifion (by ;~hich we all preach) wh.ich cbrijlgave at thts gotpg O\l,t·of theworld :_ Go,.([aith He) preachthe. G~jjdl toall tiAiionr teacbing·Matth,~i.r9; ··• 1" 3 them,