Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

A SERMON PREACHED before the K 1 N G s Nl A I£ s T 1 E, at White-HaU> onTuefday, rhe XXV. of'December, A. D. MD c x. being CHRISTMAS day. -------------------------- LVKE Chap.II. Ver.X,XI. The Angel!faid unto t!Jem, IJ3e not •ifraid, for behold, I bringyougood tydings, ofgreat joy, 11>hicl) jhall be to all p'ople.. . . • . That there u borne, unto you, tlm,day a SA V 1 Qu R, ll>lnc1JI5 C H R 1 s T, the L'o R 0 j 11 the Citie of 'Dal!id. ' 33 ../ is aWord in this Text, and it isHodie, by vertue whereof, tht.f Day may feemeto challengeafpeciall properti'\inthisTe.~t, and. thu Text in this Day. CH R r s T was borne, is trueany day: bur, thu day CH a I s T w.u borne, ne'ler, but to day onely. For, ofno day in theyearecan it befaid, Hodte natzu, bur ofthu. By which word, the Ho L Y G ll o s T may feeme to have marked it out; and made it the peculiar Text ofthe day. Then, it wtll not beamiffe, Donee cognominattlr hodi'i:, (as the Heb.J· •;: u!poffle fptaketh) whtle it iscalled, today, to heareit. Tomorrow, the wordHodt'i: will be loll : Thisday,and not any dayelfe, it is in feafon. Let us thetl heare itthis day, which we can heare no day bdides. IT is then the firll report,the very firfl: newes, that came (as tht5 day) ofthat, which m:t– keththis day, fo highaFeafl:; the birth ofchrift. It came by an Angel! then: NoMan was meet to berhemeffenger ofir. And looke r how it camethen, fo idhould come frill; and none but an Angel/bring it : as, more fit for 'Vixit the tongues of fingels than ofmen. yet lioce, G 0 D hath allowed finfull men, to be the Ange/1!1, Reporters of it at the fecond hand; and the newes never the wor(e; for that Good newes · is good newcs and welcome, by any, though the perfon bee bur evenafoule Leperrhat • Reg.1.9 brings it. Yet, rhat the meanneffe ofrhe meffenger otfend us nor, ever we arero remember this; Berhc party who he will, that bringsit,thencwcs of CH " I s T s Birth,is a meffage for an Angel/. . This had beene ncwes for roe bell Prince in the Earrh. That thefe IUuhere,thefe parries :t were Shepheards, that thi,s Meffage came to them, needs not feeme firange: It found none Dixit elfe latthe nme)tocometo: TheAngell was glad ro find any tC> rell it to; evenrotel!tt the i!lu. fir!thecuuld meet withal!: None were then awake, none in cafe to receive it, but a fort of pooreShepheards ; and to them herold it• . Y ~t, '· fell nor out amiffe, that shepheards they were; the newes fitted them we!~. It well •areed, tordl shepheards ofthe yeaning ofa firange Lambe: fuch aLambe,as !hould take arvay~he finms ofthC>vorld: fuch aLambe, as they might .fmdto the R•ler ofthe World r;~·.~:·:. for, c.Mme Agm'm Dommatori terr.e: E(ay's Lambe. Or (tf ye w11l) ro rell shep- · heards,