Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 'f· Of the NA T 1 v 1T r &. 39 'J'!Jeu is h 9 rne asfviour, istbe fir£1:. TheAng~ll ad.leth further, A Saviour which is 2 C ,. , For many Savtonrs had b.eene borne, many had Go o fent them, char Whichi• at 1Jj~;r; ri:Ues had fer them free from divers dangers of their enemies l <.Mofes from Chnn. I £ tians. IojiHta from the Ca1>aamtes; Gedeon, from the <.Madtamtes; Ieptha, from 1 1 1e . ~ypmonit;s . Sa,;•ron, from the Philijfims. And indeed, rhe whole frory of the t Je '-""m ' 11 ' l d f · I G f' · · £1:'11 · Jlibleisnothingelfc, b\JtaCa en cro S1wto11rs, t 1at oo tomtnnetoume 1 fr1rrcd them·11p. · . . 1 b h' d 1 L h Ilntthcfe all were but petneSav10un; t 1ere was ont' yet c m _e, nat was worra t em 11 One that lhouldfwe Hrspeoplefrom thmjinnes ; Save, not thctr hodtes for attme; but•.> ,, \ •. [o.les for ever, which none C'fthofeSaviortrs could doe. One therefore much fpoken . t tr ilhed for and waited for, .. SA vI o v 1\ which was CH RI s ,.·: when He came they fo~~~dforgr:at matters; as faid the wonun at theWels:fide: forHe was the mofl: fa;nous I>hn 4.'f dgrcatefl: S AV I ou a ofall. And tlus 1s He, A Savtounvh~elus CH RI,S ,.; H~e,_of :~om at! thePromifesmade mention, andHe theP"form•nce ofthem all: of whorli'all rhe 7'ypesunder the Lawwerej/Mdonw,andHe !hefuGflance ofthem ali:Ofw~om all the Prophe• ,;esranne,andHe thefulfilling ofthem all: He~ ofwhom all thofe mfcnonr Saw~urs were theftgrms and fore-runners,at~d He rheac!oTPplijhment of all,that m them was wannng. Th1s is He , /Mobs a Shiloh, Efay s b Immanuel, leremw cBranch, Damels d Mejras, Zachartef, Gen.H . •oriensabalto,Aggeii f Dejid!ratr.u cunflrs Gentibm. Thedelire ofall the Nations,then ;and bE! 10 ' nowtheioyofal!Nations: aSaviorrrwhichr< C11 RI s ,.. , 'Y~~. And whatis meant by this terme CH RI s,. ~ A.Saviottr 11nointed; or (as in another cicr.•H· placeitis{aid, more agreeable to our phrafe of [peaking) a ~Saviourf:ated; a Saviorrr""· d 0 '" ~~der G 0 n s Great Seale. That 1s, not as thofe other were, Savrour; .ra1fed up of a fudden, czach.6. vponfomeoccalion; to ferve the turne forthe prefcnr, and never heard oftill the}/ came: u . but aSavi~ur in Go o s fore-counfdl refolved on, and given forth, from the beginning; ~k'~ •··~ promifed and fore-told, and now ligned and {em, with abfolurc commiffionand fulndfe of• 1!h'~.~. power, to be theperfedand compleat SA v I o ua ofaiL . · .'7· And to bett, ex officto; H1s Office, H1s very profellion, to be one, th:u: all may have ricrhtto repaire unto Him, and findeit:tt His hands. Not aSaviour incidently, asir fell our: b~t one, ex profeffi, anointed to that end, and by verrueofHis v1nointingappoimed,fer forth, and fent into rhe world, to exercife this fundion of a Saviour: Not for a time, but f'lrever, not to the Iewn, (as did the refl:,\ but even to allthe ends of the earth. So runs His :Bill,' Yeniteadme omnes,Come all: and b f2.!j ad me venerit nonejiciamfora, ofthem that aJ'4at. 11. come tome, I will cafl:nomour. 'Servator omnium huminum, the Saviour of allmen (and as bIohn't theSamarztans fa1d ofH1m, d Servator mrmdz,ThcSavtMr ofthewrirld,)ofSamarztans,Iewu; 17 • Gentiles: ofKings, ofShepheards and all; CI Tim.4. And there is yet more particularity in this word C !! R r s T : Thm 0 flices did Go o dIohn' ': from the beginning ered to {aveHis people by :andthat, by three ads, (The very Heathen ~~- - tookenoticeofthem,) • Purgare, 'llluminare, l Perjicere. 'Priefts, to purge orexpia.te: • Prophets, to illuminate or dircd them; l Kings, to fer all right,and to keep all right,in that pcrfeCl:ion, which this worldadmitteth. And allchefe three had their feverall Anointings. Amnthe PrieJf, (Levit.8 .a.) Elijha the Prophet, (I Reg.I9-I6.) Sardthe King, (r Sam. Io. h) In theSaviourwhich isChriJf, His will was, all fhould mee~, that nothing in Him m1ght want,to the perfeding ofthis worke. That He might bea perfedSavidr<r of all, He was all. A Prieft, aftertheorderofMelchi{edek, IPfal: 1Io.4.) AProphet, to be heard whect. Mo(tslhouldhold his peace, (Deut.r8.r8.) AKing,tofave His people, who(e NameJhou!d he I EH ovA H Iujlitz.tJloJfra, (Ier.z 3.6.) Davids Pricfr, Mofes Propher, Ieremies King. p . And thefe formerly had met dortble,two ofrhemirtfo~emher; Mdchifedeck,King and teft ;Samttel, Pnefl: and Prophet; Davzd, Prophet and K1ng. Never all tbree, but mH1m a one ;and_fu,noperfec1 Chriil but He: bur He all, and foptrfeE!. By His Priejl-hood, to purghe,e_xp~ate,and{avemfromourfinnes, beincr apro'Pitiation to Go 0 "'or them: By His >loh.u. Pro'P m 'll · r b 1• . '• tot ummate and 1 ave us from the by-paths oferrour,guidingortrfeet m the way ofChu7,· {:ace. ~~Hts Kzngdome, proteding and concluding us thorow the miferies ofthis life, till S eper e uh~ eternally by Himfelfe iu the joyes ofHis heavenly Kingdome. Rightly then, a 4VIMrw tchi<Cbriff. Now;