Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 6. OftheNAT .IVITIR. · 47 ;heword. So is juftice; that,f{ejh forjlejh; and, not t_hejlejhofoxen~ndjheepe'; bu~ even thatjlefb,thatJirmeth, (ourJlejh > lhould fuffer font, and fo fuffenng make.fatis~:· faCtion to IuJJice. , . · · . _ Why then fallmtJ eft caro; theWord umadeflefl': Tlus makes upall: For,facltlm 3 " er·"o ,.11 H'eismadeflefh,therefore,i<Jlejb :Fieriterminatur ,.dejfe, the end ufma. xFall•,. rjf w, "' ' :1·' d (li . '' I k d ) I. ' . . '"" lcing,isbeing. Andpermo t~mnatur£ : . OIS_•1':•7o,tleGree ewor ; tusoet~g.sn4-w,;m.a.; turall,Et ,,. 1 ;.vita ijl vta ad JMturam,and nattvztee tS the way to na~ure.So,to beborne: :1s this day Hewas: venitpercarnem,fanatper verbum, that allflefbmayfeethe Sal- L•k. 3.~. · 'll;tiono(G~ o. Made it was; againfl Manichem holding tha~ He had no true body: - asif,fafhm• had beenejflum,or make~gweremockzng._ Made tt was: but,how made?. Notcunvertendo, theWordconvertedmtoJlejh, (as Cerenthm _;) orjlej/>convertedmto theWord, verbumcaro fac1aeft (as Valentmm: ) for, the Deettecannocbechangedmtoany thing ; nor any thing, into it; Nor madeconciliando, (as fi·iends aremade,)fo as,they continuetwo feverall p~rfons lhll: and while thejlej/J fuffered,the Wordftood by and looked on,(as Neflorim .)That tscumcarne,not caro; made wtthjlej/J,notjlejh: And,never was one perfon fatd to bemadeanother. Nor made, bycomparmdmg; and [o, athird thing produced ofboth(as Eutyches: )For fo,He lhould be nmher ofboth, WordnorJlefh, neither Go o, nor man. 7 But,made Hewas: Saint Paul tellsus,how: affi•mendo,by taking the (eedof Abraham (Hebr.XI.)Hisgeneration eternaH, (as verbum Deus)is, astheenditing theWord,with· Hcb.i~!~' » in theheart. Htsgenerationin time (verbttm caro )is, as the rettering it forth with the 'VOice. The inward motion oftheminde taketh unto it a naturall body ofayre, and fo bccomethvocal!; It is not changed into it, the Wordremainerh frill, as it was; yet they two become one voice• .Take afitrlilitude from our [elves. Our[ou/~is not turned into, nor compounded wtth the body : yet, they two, though d.ftmet 10 natures, o-row into oneman: So, into the God-head, was themati-hoodtakeri; theNat11res pre~ ferved,withomconftljion; thePer(onentire,withoutdi'llijion. Take thedejnitiotJ ofthe fourth GeneraUCotmcell: Sicfallt~meft caro, ut lf"aneret 'llerGttr~>; nonimmutando, quod erat,f ed(ufcipiendo,qnod non er~t: noffraar1xit, (t.a non min11it; nee Sacramentumpietati<, Detrimentum Deitati; : He was fo madeflefb, that He ceafed not tobetheWord; never changing that Hewa, buttaking that Hewa<not: We werethe better, He was never theworfe; the c..My.ftery of Godlineffi was no detriment to the God.head, nor thehonour of the Creaturewrong to the C R • A 'I' o R. And now,being pall:thefe points ofbeleefe,I come to that,which I had much rather ftand on,(and foitis befl for us;) that which may ftirre up mtrlovetoHim, thatthus hecamejlejl' for m. Firfi,comparing Fal111m with DiEI11m. For, ifwe were fo niuch beholden for ver– lmm dic1um, the word!foken, the Promife; how much more for verbum{afl11m, the Performance? If, for (artum carni, theWord that came toJlejl'; how thenfor faclum caro,becamejlejb. Then,takingfallll~ abfolutely.. TheWord, by whom all things were made,tocome tobemade1t felfe. Ius more for Htmjm,to be madeany thing,thanfacere,to make another World, yea, manyWorlds more. There is more agreat deale, in thisfa– £/temeft ,than inomniaper Ipfum fallaJtmt: InHe made,than in Allthings by Hi11J were made. 1 Fal111m efl,withWhat He was made. For,ifmade; made the mofl compleat thing j ofall,that everH~hadmade:Made aSpmt,for Godi; aSpirit; fome degree ofnearc- Iohnpf. neffe betweene them '.t:lut what i; man,that He lhould bemadeHim,or theSon ofman, Jl1~~~:;. thatHelbouldtakelus Nature upon H1m! - lftan,ye~ the morenoble part, the immortal! part, thefot~le: What elfe ~ There a;e orne pomtsofHu Image m that; It nnderftandeth, itloveth,hath a kinde ofcapa– GltyoftheWord. Sohath not the {lejl' : It is res bmta,commontothem with rn; neither able to ttnderftand,or love, or in any degree capableofir. Make it theSoule,thepreci. l'rov. 6•• &. om foule(fo calleth tt Salomon ;)not the body,thevile body (fo the .Apoftlecalleth it.) l'hil. l-~~; OftheWordHefatdever, vidimmgloriA.mEjm, we faw the glory ofic: ofthe.flefo · we