Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

t.o Chain ofPrinciples. Aph. 3. praying, foboth heard and feen. The Spirit like a Dove defcending and ref ing upon C.hrifl, feen but not beard.. Inlomuch as the Catholicks were wont in the times ofAthanafuu to fend the misbeleeving Arians to 7ordan there to learn the knowldge of a Trinity. g. 7. Behold after this a clear no. minationof the three coeffential Per- lons in that commifsion which Chrift our Lord fealed to the Apo- files beforehis afcenfion, in the end of the Gofpel according to Matthew ,. when he Pent themout tomake dfciples in all Nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son, andof the /3L424'; E36. .t-löly Ghof1. Who canbut fee a Trini- eqicezL wafaciReagio, ty here ? How canany whobyvertue gns-keiv Ws kevAila sre, of this infhitutionbath beenbaptized, JsEdzciv 4 refufe to beleeve it ? It becomes us (faith nclTiE, Ba fl) to be baptized as we have been 4av, ayrov i1v Ba- taught, to .beleeve as we have been baptized,, Al. epift,.,8.. toglorifie as we have beleeved,the Father, the Son, and the holy Spirit)This the great Apoftate