Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

Aph. i ., .B Chainof Principles. the ferpents food Any one ofthepo- fterity of7aphet, after hehathbeen per [waded into the tents of Sem, to bring on himfelf Canaans curie A'errant rf fervants'halt thou be, by fubjcding his foul to that which God made to ferve its fervant the body. Verily if this pre- fent world, or any thing in it be over precious in thy fight, OChriftian,thou art become the eyes ofGod, yea in thine own for none can jet an high price upon things without him till he have frfl undervalued hisfoul. Timewas when Satan [hewed our Saviour all the king° domes ofthis world, and thegloryof them. If ever the world appear unto thee temptingly glorious, fufpet it for one of.. Satans difcoveries. Sure I am the Scripture ufeth diminifhing terms when it fpeaks of creature-comforts; as in ftyling the pompof Agrippa and _Bernice muchphanfie, no reality; in cal- ling mens temporal eflates this worlds goods ,not theirs but the worlds,deceitfull and uncertain riches, thick clay, and duff of Nits anima in mculisejus tit p retiefa, in elms sacsmunduY eft parvus. D i- ftumHebra'o- rum apud Bu- stot f. in flori- 1er,. p. szS. Pecuntam ha- bts?vet teipfi,m, vel pecuniam vilem habexs nece(feeJÏ. Senec. Att. 2,5. z;. I Joann.. a.17. Matti], 13.1z. a Tim. 6. 17: Hahak. x. 6. Ames Z. 7.