Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

upot the=lordr. `7'rayér. euery mans eltate,which lie.knew hiinfelfe to know as wellas wee, Yet tieuerthe telle that e would prayo him in our needs, and aske if we thould receive at his hands. And therefore you fee this is s maruaile by thewimellë euident of the Loo! hiwlìlfc, and our prayer is not taken away in any refpe& by the Lords Math. knowledge,bùcthey implied one vnder theother,fland andagrce well bòth to- Ishii. 4. "2: gether. Then ifyoulookeat the praftifeof Gods children ,you mayplainelÿ . fee the fame._ For Dauiicònfelïtngof theLord; that hedidnotonely know his pfd. 13, wants,but his very thoughts, and that longbefore.. Yet neuertheleilè for ill this knowled tin God, vfeth his own duetie commanded, and prayeth for his wants. YeaourfauiourChrift (which may ftandfor many proofes )in the fame Chapter,'Math,6,t ì biddeth vs call vpon our heaucnly Father by Prayer for our dayly bread, that is, for all nccefhties;tk yettelleth vs,that heknoweth already and bcforethat we haue verf. 3 2. need of thefethings.Efiag the Prophetpromifed Achab raine, hot rafhly vpon his owne head, but as prime to.the Lords purpofe, and certified of his will, and yet ¡King. t S; for all that , moli earneUly prayed he, trouching to the earth, and his face be- twixt his knees,and feaueu times fent his feruant toward the Sea for it: Therfore let vs know, and fo conclude, although the Lordynderftand molt fully and per-: fatly what wee would haue before wee pray, yet bath hiinfclfe appointed this meanes to obtaine athis hands, notwithBanding that his knowledge, and there- fore wee mutt vfe it diet notwithllanding the fame, knowing that what his wife - domehath'ioyned as ftanding and agreeing together , thole, mansnifedomei mails folly, or fatans malicemay notfeparate, as difagreeing, and one fruftrating the vfeorprofiteof the other. And againe, that is no ended our Prayer at any éilne, to admonilh God of any eftate of ours vnknowne vneo him, btit*e pray; now ithftandiughe knoweth already whatwewant, to perfourmeour obedience to his commandement, and appointed meant to glue glorie to him as the faun- taineof all good, to magic tothe worldour faith and tauft in him, and his promi- les, to exercife our patience in 1hll yet expeding and asking, Ad for fondrie fuch caufes allowed and godly, and not to put him in mind, as one that knowech not ourdefire. Fond therefore Inuit you feethis reafon is againft the vfe of Pray. er. Trxth it ie, I thank! God, and fo let it fait. Totgine mee team. to propaxnd another to thefamepurpofe, but Itrufi of nogrearer farce. Thejfay thofethingsare not to be asked mien of man, mach leffo of the Lord,whtch bewail/7 and of his owneaccordsspurpofed togse : for that werenot to honour, bat rather todifhouer,bycratting where no need is.' Bat whatfoeucr wee want the Lord is readie to sine, and therefore wee Jbomld asks Efay. 65. nothing. 24. Indeed of no greater forceat all. For it offendeth eucn as the other did, in Pfd. it. 4 reafoningofthings fubordinate onevnder another,and agreeingwellcogethet as ofthings contrarie to themfe lues,andtherefore taking away one an other. The wtllingnelfeofGod to grauntour deliires taketh not away our Prayer, but ftretìg- theneth our Faith to aske cherefully,and therefore even then when he faith you !hall haue,.hec faith alfoaske by Prayer ; 'then when he faith I willhhare, he faith Math. 7. alfo call vpon nice : and euen then when he promifeth to be neere, yet hemen -. Pfal 50. tfoneth to whom, namely, to fuch as pray vnto him. And theejes of the Lardare p fat Y45 vp ontheiuf,a nd his earesareopento their Prayers Therfore euen the Lordhimfelfc Ioet 2.32. hexing iudge, his purpofetò graunt taketh not away pur òbediencetUaske 's his Pral3¢t6 ready willingnei e to glue, even before we aske, croiíeth not at all hit contman dementneuerrhelel% to aske,and fo neither our bounden dutie to perförinethe fame continually. But by all thole places of his fatherly readinel, and molt mer- cifitllwillingnes,to do vs good, as I háuealreadie (aid, our Faith is itrengtheìted,- our hearts incouraged, his goodues Ihewed, and our obedience in this duet), of Prayer confirmed greatly, not any way fubuerted or taken away'. Weiltken, fee now anotheadertifeof Satan againff this holy cxercfe, Ifwçcannottake b 3 it