Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

14 A profitableExpofftion blinde, as in the otnr? Aaìd doth not ourSauiour Chriflput it quite out of dóiri:,_ , Math when hee;faith : bon oúefyóhouJhdlrrertee ?Onely to God, avouched by Chriit, fhould Banda gaïntl,notonelyto God,affirmed'by tenne thonfand worlds,if there were fo many to doe ir. But the Lord affirmeth further, that hce will not glue his glorie to any e E(ay,42L the anti itisapartofGodsglorieinanyChriflianiudgement,Ihopetoprayvn- to him, and to make him the fountaine and wclfpringof all our good. For, Gdi vponmee ( faith the Lord )lathe dayofthj -trouble, and l rwll'heare ^thee, and than: hat glorifiemèe. The law.ofGod-faith, Thora/halt. hrxeno other Gods but mee: which is Flal.go. an excitation of all creatures in he auen andearth, from partaking with the Lordut any worfhipweowe vntohim as our God. The t 7. Chapter ofthe fecond bookeof Kináes,is a notable teftimonie of the Lordes abhorring any partners in this behalfe. For there we may fee, and heare him witnef %itvnto our follies, who muff one day come to iudgethemin glory, dreadfullifwehaue nor harkened, thatnot to fearehimonely,is not tofeare him at all, and not onely to doe after his lawes and co mmaundementes,isnot at all doe after them. Tor our additions to the will of him, ouerthroweth vtterly that ,which we doe thereof, becaufe it is notas we fhould doe it, that is, onely. My co. ucnant and charge with the Ifraclites,faith theLord there, was euerthis, that they fhould feareno otherGods, nor bowethemfetiles to them, nor ferue "them, .nor facrifice to them,,but onelymee, which brought them out of the land. of E ypt with greate powerand a fltecchedoutarme. Andmarke the Emphafts,Himfeare. Thais, as,we,tnay fee plainely,him onely,him euer,and none but him. And there. forequer atadouer'hee faith it there, no ather,noother, and againe the third time, Ezsd.zo, tic other. Plalrts;. Which isproofe fufficent, If-we bee the Lordes : yet is the'Scripturefuller,and Iere.z,zs. teacheth:vs plainely,thatthey euerwere & euer (hall ,bee blafphemous Idolaters, iniurous. to,theiLoad ,thatcallvpon any intheir -prayer but the fame Lord alone, whether it be ita heauen, or in earth,or in the waters vnder the partial whether it hoof golde,filuer, whatfpeuer. Thepiaces are knowne, andyou may reade them. It teacheth vs allo thatGod hath madeNs in his great mercie Lords of all his cre- cttures he re, and elm theAngels in heauen minifiring Spirits to our good as(harl }i:czerìmtoappoint. Bat rel:attoeuer wepray vnto,wemake it fuperiour tovs,andhauingtide and "po- were.fetus :and therefore if itbeacreature ,we offend geceuoufly,peruerengthe Pfa,ß' Lord es appointed courte, and feruilly fubmirting our feluestothatheinhismer- Hcb.o.t.7, cy bath put vnder vs, not over vs in his manes and order. Againe, that we cannot pre) so any thing without beleefe in the fame, but beleefe muff onely be in God: and t"s, erfore prayer ro -no other. Wherefore it flandeth true by theiudge of ern eth, the etcrnall word of God : wee now well fee, that bothGod with hiswor(hip of' Rom,10.14, prayer i'sto bee fcrued4ndhonored, and andy God alfo, with exclufion forever ofall others whatfoeuer they may bee: and fo we end this queflion. Your next is, through *hem orb), Whom WC tm f pretent and of fer ourprayer vouo God. Itisfo : And it may bee that in the former queliion you cxpeeled Come fulkr fpeechof Angels-and Saintes-that bee dead, which many are of opinionmay bee called upon, thatyet greatly - miflike that other folly or rather madneffeofpray. ing to itiferiour 'creatures. And lyou did, itfhall now beefupplled, God willing: for ldid. referee itof pitrpofc hither, 'hecaufe no man iullifieth it amongfl vs, if heehaue anycun- ning That they are (imply to bee prayed vnto,as helpers themfelues ofthemfelues, but as mcchatours to hint that is able to helpe, that is, G O Dthe Lord. Letvs fee then this, ifcii 't but thus much maybe giuenvntothem. And to beginne at the beginning, vveeknow it true, that betwixt God and Its a mediatour mull: needes 'bee; For fo faith the Scripture, No man com oseth ro the