Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

Cue[tions and Anfweres >f. Cmmand. Iddixeredeos, colles, frctatflumina, flammas. That i What fo the earth, the fea, the beauen doth wonderful' beget, .4, Nils, teas, fiouds, and fames of fire, for Gods that they hrtne jet. Qefi. What theT'urkes? Anf. Their religion is a mare of all heretics, denying Chrift to be God, and vaincly worfhipping with mans deuifes. .9...11efl. what is true Roligion ? Anf. True Religion is the trueworfhipping of G O D, and the keeping of Ms Commandements. Luetl. whence is it to be learned? Anf. Ondy out of the written worde of God and not out of mans head or writings. Que(t. How it that prooued r Anf Both by Scripture andreafon fufficicnt. ,Quoit. What Scripture? Auf Efa.29. 13. verse, God threatneth to plague theni, becaufe their scare et religion towards him was taught by the precept of men. M,chahthe42. He fb tit teaeb vs,and wee willwalkein his paths.Daniel the The 9. I o. Daniel coiafeffcth,that becaufe the people obeyed not Gods voyce,therefore all their worship was finne. Auf. What reafon? Anf By many might it be prooued, but thefe may fuffice. First, whatfoeuerplea- feth Godmull be according to his will :but his will is ondy knowne inhis v.ord,and therefore if our Religion pleafe God,it mu(' bee according to his worde. Secondly, if what fouler be not of faith, is finne, and faith onely is out of the word, then what religion fo euer is not out of the word, is finne. Thirdly, thepraetife ofGods Church bath euer beone both to rcformereligion, and to confute heretics out of the word, and by the word: and therefore the fame mull euer bee the ground of our Religion. Quell. How is it to be learned out of the word? Anf. By hearing it preached, by reading it our felues,byprayer,byconference one with another,by temptations, and by this exercife of Catechifing. For the other, they are vfuall meanes indeede, but this manner of Catechìfing it is a newe deuife not knowne to our olde Fathers. No, it is no newedeuife, but an olde enflame and auncient, begunaffoone as euer God had a Church, and cond..- nuedeuer fince. Quell. How may that be prooued ? Anf. Full, in the fourth of Genefrsitappeareth, that men Adam the firilmanvfed it tohisfonnes,teaching them to worship God with Sacrifices, or else they could neuerhauedoneit. Againe, wee fee Abraham vfed it to his houfnold, and God commended him for it. For ifhe had not by this exercife well inftru$ted his fer- uants before, would they euer haue suffered him to cut away their foreskinnes? Tat many places alfo betide did God fluke command all parents to vie it to their chil- dren. In the 6. to the Hebrues mention is made of the parts of the Catechifine then vfed,the auncient Fathers haue carefully trauailed in this exercise, and all well orde- red Churches haue euer had their Catechifrues, which wee alto haue and read, there- fore no new deuife. uefl. What be the partes of the Catechifmc ? Anf. The parts of the Catechifmc arc thee two generally ,do&rine and difeìpline, and under doctrine there foure contained. The lave of God, a fumme whereof is in the tenne Commandements. Faith, a fumme whereof is in the 12. Articles. to wit, Prayer, a forme whereofis the Lords prayer. The Sacraments. Of there pastes in order afterward: Now to force qucftions in your book4 And fist}. Quell. Who