Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

wpòn the L ords Prayer. Hee is the fame yeVccrday and to day,anà for ruer. And therefore whatfoeuer befalleth vsin this worlde,peay in the comfort of this fweerconceit,that hee is in Heauen : (That is)God and Lorde of all, able as willing,adu willing-as able,and euer both to doe vs any good , if weepray : For learn not the D iuell, nor Death, nor Hell, nor Man,uormatter euer in 'this Earth, but looke to the'powcrof thy God to defend thee,tohelpe and fuccour thee in all thy diflrefles,and thatpower iòyned with the will of a Father, whofe bòwels melt vpon his childe. O C/ O D and FA THE R, fw eete and ftrong, increafe our Faith,increafeour feeling, ánd inlarge our harts and foules to receive the vfe of thefe things, that affured of will, andaffuredof power, our Prayers in Faith may pierce thy dwelling p1ae, and winne our good on CHRIST for euermore. Amen. Sccondlly,thefewordes ferue to lift vp our heatts and mindes from all earthly OffourFathers bale and lowe coviceites of the Lorde. Yea,eucii to fet vs as it were Out of our bcmg inhea felues,and beyond i remembrance eytherof bodie or foule,in our hcauenly ele- uee. uation of inward Powers to that Throne fo high and glorious , the feste of that tnightie God we pray vnto. And cónfeo,uently, to make vs askc nothing of him that might be vnfeeming fo Imperiallatí `,1ateffie,todeale in. and to care for. But euer to rememberthat hee being in Heauen,and wee in earth,hee holle, and wee f,y, SS. unholy: hee glorie,and wee Ihame: hen God,and wee Men. It is true that the g Prophet faith ; His thoughts are not our thoughts, his wayes our wayes. But 6, as the Heauens are mightier the earth , So are his wayes higher than our wayes, end his thoughts aboue our thoughts. To which ende it ferued alto in the Church cfòlde,as (Tian wirnefteth, that the Paftor being about to make publ'ike prayers,fhould crie to the people,Surfism Cerda. Lift vp your hearts. And the people did anfwere, Habemsu ad'Dominuma Wee lift them via vntothe Lorde; thereby declaring that they thought of no bafe, and earthly, and lowe matters, but of the LORDE,and the Lord in Heauen, even as wee doe, and are euer taught by thefe wordes, Which art in Hearten, Thirdly,they ferue to firike vsnot a little,but euer thorow and thorow,with á Thethird reuerence of hisCSb/aie.die whomeweeprayvnto. For Fleauen,and the height of Heauen,is his duelling place, and wee ought moft earneftly euer to thinke of it, that weemay comehumblie to him. This caufed the Seruants of God,not onely to crouch theyr bodies, but to bowe theyr hearts when they came before him, e- ven the knees of their hearts, as thinkingneuertheir .reuerencegreat enough to- wards foMightiea ÇOD. Heauen is his, Earth i< his, Hell is bis, All is his. Deuouring fire goeth be- fore his Face,and mightie Teinpefrs are fUrred vp about him. Herideihvponthe Praha. S, Hrauens,as it werevpon an boric yea, the earth fhakcth,& the Heauens drop at Pfalir,eo. the prefenceofhim. His Charms ate twentie thoufand,euenthoufands of Angels. 4. it is hee that commandeth the waters, it is thisglorteus ÇO`D that maketh the Thunder. ' Jr isheethatruletbthe Sea: It is his voyce that-is mightiehaoperation, yea, and a Ptall,zg.3, &c; glorious voyce. Such a voyce as breaketh the Cedar-Trees, yea,the Cedars of Ltbanus: fuciaavoyceasdmí deth the flames offire , and lhaketh the wildernes, e.. uen the wildernes of Cades. Let vs make hafte therefore with that great feruant of God c 'lofes,and bow our felues to the earth and worfhip : Yea, let vs in the true conceive and reverence ofhicmightyy CA4ateffue; couer as it were our faces with our Ezod.34.8^ mantels when wepray vntohim. So fhall we come before him rightly, and thew the vie of his glorious dwelling in the Heauens,noted voto vs. Buta/ao,where is it Afoulefaultof with thoufandes thoufandes, that yet take themfelues to bee great Chrisem.f manic ¡Lithe, VVe clap our felues dowrne to pray,and we think of any thingrather then of the Church,aiid mightteüldaieflic of Him before whom we are come; And therfore we gaze, here,& elfewhcre. gaze there ; we note thisMan,and that woman; their geffure,their Apparell; yea, xO1C the l eafi toy(efpecially (+range about. them.) And yet we pray w ell,wee huddle avid rumble vpmha ffe the,labourofi vswuchátottouch ifbeart,t; thefaffer thebetter: wee long d 3 to