Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

e pon the L orris Prayer. i5 a &ion, operation,and commu:ucatton of-grace and gifts not equally in all partes, but in heauen more than in earth, in the godly more than the wicked, and in one . of his children, more than other: in the Saintes in heauen, more chan in the Saintes in earth, and in the humane nature of Chrif+, more thaw in any creature eyther nr heauen or earth;as in whom the fulneffe of grace and fpirite without meafure was. Howbeicyet in a more excellent manner God dwelt in Chrill than by fulnes of grace and gifles, or by ntaniféftation of his vertue and power, as might be thew, ell if ehe place required it. But thus much of-this matter. Noar tfyossthinkegood ,tothe"Peti:sorit hemfelues. Ith a good will. And herein formore plainnefle of fpecch, let Three rhinWs vs generally obferue the dmifîonor number ofrhefepetitionr, coafidercd* the order of thë, and the matter and meáning ofthem. Touch- ing the diuif ;on of them, I will not curioufly lland vpon it. Saint Areft'en,and many after him by his example make féauen, diuiding chelafi into two r but their reafós are verre infufffci_ Eachiridlon cnt, as may bee ferne. A nd e ssßen'himfelfe,contrarietohim- chap.' 6. felfe, eonfefl'eththat thofewords, Bat delivery flan; cud, are an explication of the former, Leadvsnot into temptittton, And therefore by confequence vnbrly niade apetition of it (elfe: for in fo (wort a fumme of fo few petitions, one to be con- founded with an other, and to be all one, is not probable. Others make fixe, and The PeVtions they rather are to be followed. concerning For the order ofthem, this is to be obfertted, that three ofthem refpe&ing iht- Gods glow: medially and chiefly Gods glory.: other three, our necei(ities and wants : thole firú that concerne the Lord are placed before the other, curt as. in the Law of God, thcfe 4. comniandenrents that containe mans datie to God, are let before the 'other 6. that containe his dutie to his neighbour. Which being done ofpurpofe in the depth of his vnfearchable wifrdome, that layd this forme downe for vs, Chrilt Iefus, contayneth in it a leffon ofgreat regard,to a mind poffeffed with the feareof God and care of bounden dude. Namely, that the honour of GodMight to be more. deere vesto vs than eythe/ oods,or any benefit of ours whatfoeuer in this world, yea which is farre more then the verte foules within vs, and the faluation ofthem in the world to come. For fo both the Lord God himfelfe, the compofer of this Prayer, and the giver of body, goods , and foule, and all , teacheth in the fixt of Mathew. And the power of his holy fpirite in the pra&de ofhis ftruants confirmeth and fheweth Marh.6. eetidently. Forprincipallyand aboueall, faith the Lord Iefus, SeekthekinQdomeof 33 ÿ'od, & the rs hteoufneffethero e4" althefèotherthing (fhallberaftopóyou.Whichwords, ifa man wó lld demaund a reafon of the order of thcfe three petitions before the gaod.3a,3s, other °fourSaúiour, contayned, as you fee, euen a full aunfwer, ro wit, Gods glo- rie is more chiefe, and therefore ought to be ñrfl: but there 3. petitions immedi- Pom.9.3. atly refpe& that, and therefore ought to befirft. The power thenafgods (pirite in ehe pradife of the godly, we fee alto in Mofer, the great feruant of Almightie God,and inPaulehisele &veflell, tobeare his name voto the Gentiles:who both ofthem in the flaming heat ofa burning zeale to the glory ofthe name ofCod wi- God, olorie fhed the fame,with the rating of thë felues out of the Booke oflife,and curie of his were to be ca. wrath to the woe eternall of their own foules for ever in that place of perdition red tor, than and death, as islaid downe vnto vs. A fruit in them ofa mightie working fpirite, our gone tal. and commended to vs in the world for euer, to tell vs what ought to be. union it they See then euen atOur beginning, when we pray like Saints andfonnes ofGod, Ihauldco a P Y m compai(on like dutifull children affe &ell rightly to theirfather, euen, then when we tall be- to gather, fore him with heartsand mindes, nothing fo careful! to gain our owne good, as to win