Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

I.. PETITION. ) On the. Lords Prayer. How will he do it, or what is this fan tification;? Macke how it. followeth, Iwid powre cleave water vpponyeu,andyoufhall bee thane : yea, fromallyour filthrnef e,and frontal! your Idols will I cleanfe you . oil new heart alto with giue you and a new Sp- rit will !put within ion., and I will take away the Stoniti heart out ofyóur bodie , andglue Jog an heart ofFle/b. And I will putmy Spirit withinyou , andcaufe yolks to walks in mySatures, andyonfl,allkeepemyiudgements, grader them . So that then is the great naine of the Lord fanétifted you fee and hallowed, when wee doe not one - 1y know , but doe the thinaes that redoundvnto his prayfe. For then they that fee our good workes, are thereby: caufedto glorifye God in the day of the vi:. Íitation. And cum contrariwife againe, ifwe doe not , wee pollute the name of a, the Lord in cauf ng it tofound will amongft the wicked, and the finne is grie- t z. Lions. Ofwhiçh complayneth the. Lord by his Prophet Efay, when bee larch, Mar.516, His name all the daycontinually blafphemed : And by his Apoitleto the Roirsanes ,Efay.52.5. in diners ocher places. And the lame Apo @le, charging feruant's that are vnder,nt.24, the Yoake , to account their Madiers Horthyofall honour:, maketh this the t.7imo.6.t reafon why , Leafi the name of God and his Doárinebe mill (pokenoff. And therefore Thirdywha thirdly , asweelèeketheone, foweedefiretobee able tothuu the other in this we praya. Petition, befeeching him in the fenfeof thefe wordes, that all thofethinges may garirfinihie bee remoucd, ouerturned , and taken away , which Prophane blemifh, or blot Petition. that glorie ofhis, either in himfelfe , or in his workes, ofinhis word and -doc- pfa1. ro4 trine. Such as are thefedamnable Athei(}s of thefe latter daics which with their Rails Arhi fls. Scofs, and mocks deridingallgoodnetfe, doe not onely dilhonorthe name of God , but totheir euerlallingwoe, in the flames ofthe burning botton1et1e pit, affirme it flatlyc in their hearten , that there is no God at all. .Such are they that with their cenfures will corree r d thgworkesof..Gon, and fpeake euillof them: ,Lsbeitinèl. complatneof his prouidence, and murmure at his judgements, carpe and Ca- mil at his word, allurevntoloofenefre, and dayly worke difdayneofcommuan- , ed obedience, which all, if they;bee not reformed, are prayed againfi through.. Out the world by all the Children of God daily in this Petition , to the vnpéak- able terrour ofthem, if they had grace to thinkeofit. For howcertaineisthat ,ar, °Ltd vengeance whichbee thatfgndeth it, biddetb aske : and how dreadf rilmuft ïCthankr of lr. needes bee, and cuco Importable when it coinmeth, which is fo often; foearneft Iÿ, And by fucira nunaber as the whole Church of God on earth is, in fomany. places anted, begged, and criedfoi2 O woe not once thought vpon, atidÿet to bee trembled at, Lsalht not bec deed? Shall thefepaynred dales fo poyfon vs quite with the loue of this world,andthe fading follies of amoli vn- certaine efiate, that all grace and goodneife that becontemnedof vs? And riher asthePropherofGodraid, OntdaymtheCourts,eftheLcrdthoufe, iebetrer:lun Piral.84. Thiinfand. faÿthe contrary, that but one hourethere is!too much,thoughit- be but once a Week e, nay once in many weekes, and one day in ehe courle of this world,to the which yet the Apoftle faith,Fafkion,notyourfelues, is better. & Tweeter;' andmore befeeming a man, eÍpecially agreat main, than a thoufand in the other: Is it likely that dúëiwe wtllwifh ourfelues with that Prophet, rather doore kepers p fat g4 t in the boil fe olGod,than to'dwcll in.great renowneiothe tents 'of The vngódly; when we either loure or laugh to betold, wee thould come in Can it be hoped, 76atthe thateyther now wee doe thinke (God often pdnithingíuieh great contempt with nanesofall laffing blindnes)that they are bleffed that dwelleth in the houfe of thelord,being fainedGode euer railing of,that the very Swallows & fparrows that are there,are as being vttely it w,erp happy & blond? O it is to be feared no. And therefore not Danidr prayer, abelifbed the AtIttIauidsSpit ite, neither confequently that elciiion to life whereof that fpirit only diuine isacetaynepledge. Which is terrible inough, ifGod were in vs. Thinke of name &, it, &thinkeo thisa; ainewithit, thatall theChurchofGodthroughtheworld ,:eflieof god aslhauefaid,prayagainfivs when we are thus irreligious & Prophane, laying, the Hallowed ;7