Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

2. PETITION. vpon thelòrd:f `1'r4yer. that hee fmiteth the firi.t borneof Egypt both òf Man and Beaft : that it is hee that fendeth tokens and wonders,&c,. Qf this Kzngdome may it bee meant tnat Rom:1 t.3 6' is faid by the Apoftle:For of him,and for him, and through him Are áll things : w tha numberfuchlikeplacesfpeakingof the prouidenceot God. And to this ki of God itmay be applied that the wife man faith : Non eft- cànflium on if Ephef. if i prudentia, non eft fortitude aduerfus Dominum. There is no counfell, there is i.o wifedome, there is noflrcngth.agamitthe Lord. For heehath ruled euer, Lee loth rule, and will rule for euer all things , let all the world conlpire .t what they can. Againe, the Lord worked) all things afterth:e counlell oi ins ow n Hegiuethrainevpontheearth, andpourethiatervpon the ffrer-tes :. he fúht/ p Id. g. on high them that below , tbatthe farrowfull may bee exalted to fáluation i- hee fáttc- reth the docile,. of the crape, fo that their hands cannot ecccmplilb that s 1 ich they doe, l06 g . enterprife : Hee tat eth the wzfê in their craftine f fe, ,and the wit ke4ir madeJechlb, He remouet), the mountaizzes and they feele not when hee ouerthroserl themin wrath. -Pee remoueth the earth outof her place, that thepillars thereofdoel aIZe, He commanderh' -the Sunee, and itrifethnot, hee clofith vppe the Starreraevndera fignet. HeehimJelji alone if ireadeth out the heauens , and walkethvppontheheightof the.Sra. Allthefe are y'erfe. 2 :' faydof the Kingdome. Read Syrach the 17. to the ,o. verse, and fee what a' Kingdome cif power acknowledged ouer all the beafts and fouies , men and matters whatfoeuer. Notable. is the 4, of Exodus. verse the eleauenth. For Ex. 4 , 11 . thofefeeme cafuall in the mothers belly, whereof they mull need es bee under. flood, Mau beeing. not created foat the fiat. The Kingdome of grace (hall ti' - much better bevnderftood, if we confider how we weare created, how by fin ne corrupted, and how now in mercie daylyby grace renewed. The' creation of Man you know is layd downe to haue beene according to theImage and like- Creafioü, neffe of G OD .himlelfe. For God cleated Man (fayth the Booke of wife- dome) without corruption at the first, and made him after the Image of his owne likeneife. And hee cloathed them with ilrength, fayth- Syrach, as they Syrac. haue neede,, andmade them according to his Image. Which Image of Go n; maketh not God like voto men with legges, armes,handes, a gray head, and fo footth, as not onely other heretiques but euen our holye Papists haue i- magined, and paynting him in their Churches and windowes, made the ignorant beleeue it : but it maketh man like veto G OD, in holinelfe, righteoufnelfe, wifedome, and to foorth. For fo expoundeth the Apoflle, thefewordes to the Ephefzans, and there might all Papifks haue feeneit, if they would Put onthenewuman.. faith bee, which after GOD ( that is after the Image of G OD) is created veto righteoufneffe and trueholineffq meaning by thefe two Ephef. 4 worden all perfedion, as wifedome, will to doe good, truth, innocencie,loue of GOD, power, and fuch like. See what Image of GOD is. Now then beeingthus created and made, who ruled in manne, or what Kingdome, was hee fubied vntoe The Lord you fee ruled in turn , and to his Kingdome was hee fubied. But alas the time, this happie elate was quickcly loft. The Ser- Corruption. pent deceiued the -woman, the woman : Sinne crated , G OD was offended r anda. Cearefull change from all weale -to woe, in alittle time, was brought to paffe. So that now lookeon man againe and his Coppie is chan- ged. Satan ruleth, thine is entred, death folldweth, and this bleffed King- dome of GOD in man and otter man is loft, :gone, and deftroycd. Yea to Rom. S. 12. ipeake plainer, and not Co generally, familiaritie with G OD is turned into a feareeull flying off from GOD , for they hid themfelues from the pretence of the- 'L O R D among the Trees of the GARDE N. .Wife- ÿcn 3.8. dome is turned into folly and they thinke with a fewe Figge leaues Vcife. to couer. their (name. Yea such is our wifedome now , as Romaine:. S. 7. Truth is turned into lies , and they deale not plainelywith the L O R D. e 3 Tha