Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

2. hCCtUJO. r posi the L ords Prayer. 55 our Spirituall heats, refrefhngv. at,ainflall burning temptations, quenching the firy darts of Satan, and finally quickn!ng vs to eternal! ll'e. This water therefore let vs make account of, and pray for a true faith : for, he th,& beleeudth inure, rssr f 17, 12.7T b belly Jballflomrimers ef Water of lsfe, faith the Scripture. Qaench'not this sr tit tp.m.e.3 then, neither grieve him by whom we ate: (rated veto the day ofrcdemption. But remember the good thatcommedt by him to this wretched frame of our finfull hearts: the ground is hard iftbis dears dreip not, and vtterly vnfruìtfull if this grace blefle mot. Lend me therefore not thy tongue and is onely, but thy foule and heart chiefly to pray with mce to the throne of rncrcy for out f elues, and all ô P lair. Lord: O Lord create a clean heart, and renew a right Spirit within vs euermore. Call vs not away from thy prefc nce, neiti er tab e r! y holy Spirit from vs. Glue vs the comfort of thy help for euer, and ellablifla S's withthy free Spirit. Amen. whet elfe it cone/reeled in this prayer ? Another good oseaoes to further this kingdcme, is a godly, zealous, and care- The good Ma. fu''l Magillrare, and therefore we pray for him alto, and theb.lciling ofhis ferwce, gihtateagreae This teacheth the Lord vs, when he bnddeth vs pray for Kings. and all that are in auamsu>raae Gods kings authority , that wee may lead aqutet and a peaceable life, in all gedlinefle and d;,`e. honefly. They are the meanes , the Lord glues the blelling. The like doth thé r fi, orh.z,z, Apoflie when beetellethvs, that Princes are not to be feared for good won kes, but for euill. And therefore if wet will be without fence of the power that wee Rom,' 3.3. mutt doe well, and fo (hall we haue praifeof the fame. For he is the minifler of God for our wealth. But if we dot euill,th it then we muff feare,for he beareth not the fword for nought, hut is the minillcr of Gad to take vengeance on him that Both euill. Charging vs afwell for thefe good vies of him, as alto for the author of his office and authority, which is the Lord, (for there is no power faith he, but of God,and the powers that are be ordained ofGod,) that curry foule of vs be fub- ie& to the higher powers, and that we refit} not, for if we doe refill the ordinance of God, and they thafo re(ift, retenue to themfelues damnation. This benefit of amagiflrateto the increafeof Gods kmgdome, appeared in gin, who tooke a- way rIíings,rs,ta the Sodomites out of the land,and pic away all the Idols his father had made, difplaced his mother for ber Idolatry, and defiroycd her idols. The like appea_ red in Ezekah, loftah, and all the refl. Read what they did, fee what authoritie may doe , nay 'ought to doe. Vertue flourilheth by mull incouragenrents vice flieth, and dyeth by iufl punifhments, if the magi (Irate tae good : and then ruleth God, when this is fo. Blcfdtherefore well maybe f ayd, is the land when the ksQúEzek,to,r7. the fagne of NWt'le.r,and when the Princes Bate in time, forftrengeh, and not for drunk;,nne ffe., That is,wben the higher and lower, and all powers in a land are famous for verrue and wifdome,and with the gifts of God. And why fo ?Surely becauft thefe being thus,the Lord i, king in fuch a place,and his heauenlypower is more & mi re daily fpred otter and into cire harts of men by thefe meanes. Contrariwife,woe to th: land rg when the king is a chtlde, and the Princes ente in the morning: that ies, when the chicle of wanteth wildome and counfaile,and the inferiors are giuen to their luflsand plea - lures. And why fo againe? Surely becaufe then, fer want of fo forcible a meanes as carefull magit}racy is to repreffe it, vice flowed) ,yen cue flieth, and God ruleth not. Finally, therefore doe we pray here in this perition, and a'skc of the Lord as a great mercy, that he would glue vs godly, care`uil, and zealous Magil}catcs, to the better letting vp of his bleffed kingdome amongft vs. And tritely beloved, would God the in% and often confideration of thefe might worice in vs a faithfidl LoneFicto loue to them for their pains,and aflaming thankfulnes to the Lord for them when Mabiflrates. we have them. O that wee would meditate ofievpon our beds,and thinkevpon it when we are wakini,that Moferfel t when he faide t How can 1Geareyourcombrance, Dcutroj,sr. your charge and pair f rsfe alone ?Or what lice felt that faide to his regali Crowne Or Sceprer,that he which knew the tacle & care,the woes and griefe,the toiles & la- ' beurs,and the infinite perils and fears that are incident to it,would not takt it VP nf F4 he.