Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

1. Command: \Too the Comma.ndements q to any vnlawfull thinges. Too muçh to feare God, himfelfe and his Iudgemenrs,as dcfperac men doo, which nourifh no hope of his mercy and.goodneffe. Thirdly fe- curitie and too littlefeare of God,with tnanyfuchmoe. AH theee are contrary to the true feáre of God, which we fpeake of, and are as well forbidden here as the other is commaunded. Quca. what is the third duetie of this Commandiment f eflnfm,Thirdiy,yve are here cómanded to make our prayers to none Litt to God. Que(l. How may it be premed that onely God oftrue Chriigians is to bee prayed into, fiece otherpoftrine it deliuered by the Church of Rome? eflnfw. Firfl it is proud by thewordes of the A olle Paul, How fball they call v- Rom Eo; pon him rnwhóme they. haste not be leeued? as though hclhould fay, .Bcleifemuft needs euer goebefore prayer, whereupon then thus wee may reafon. We muff onely pray to him in whom weemufl belecue, but we may and ought bclecue oncly in God the Father,God the Son ne,and God the hohe Ghoft, therefore oncly to thefe thrceper- fons one onely God mull our prayers be direrled. The firf Propolition ¡gee lceproucd by Paul,. the fecond by the Articles of our Faith,and all the Sctipture,i1ie conclulonfolloweth vpon them both. Secondly, it is proued byChriahimfelfe, who teaching his ApoLIes to pray, and in them allo- rhtr men, biddeth them neither call vpon Angell nor Saint, no not upon his mother Marie. But when you pray faieth her, fay Our Father which art is Heauen. That is, what forme ofwordes fo euer you vfc euer diretl your prayers veto God and to him oncly. And Father in this place fignifieth any ofthe three perfons,and is not to bec refiraincd onely,to the firfl perfon. Thirdly, wee haue no commandementto pray to any but to God onely, wee haue noprömife to bee heard ifwce doe, no example in.Scriptures of any godly Man or Pfal, Q; Woman that bath done It euer at any time , or vpon any occafion, yvec haue no pu- nifhmenr threatned,ifwee doe it not :.But to prayto God we arc commaundcd,wee are promifed to be helped,wee haue.examples,and we are threatncdifwee doe it not. Therefore whether of there two is to be done, who fee th,not? Qefl, what is the fourth duetie of this Commaxndement? Anfw. Fourthly, wee are bound by this Lawe to acknowledge God alone to bee the guider.and gouernour ofall thinges , ofwhome wee receiut. all the benefits that wee haue, and therefore that wee trufl and flay vpon him alone. well. Here are three feuerale thinges affirmed verywoorthy tobeefeuerally confrdered, and therefore firfl I prayyou, how is it praaed that Godguideth andgeuerneth all thinges? Anfw. Befides a number ofotherplaces which might bee allcaged to proueit withal!, a very good tellimonie is that in the Pfalme : Whatfoearer pleafed the Lord, Pfal 1; S9, that did he in Hearten and Earth, in the Sea, and in allohe depth. Where marke well the fpace ofthe Lords dominion, in Heauen flee ruleth,in Barth bee ruleth,in the Sea flee ruleth, and in all thrfe whatfocuer it pleafeth him, that cloth heat all times and fea- ions. The like fpecch againe bath the fame Prophet in another place, But our Clod is pfal E E 53 in Heauen- (faith bee) and loth whatfoeuer her will, The eyes of all chi eg tyaite vppon low, Pfal. E¢S. t S. and he gisieth them meat in due feafon. So then nothing without him is doone at any time, but his poweralmightie guidcth and gouerneth all things, ,fell. Howe is it premed that allgood commeth to vs from this directing providence of the Lord? eflnfv. The holy Gholl íuplaine wordes affirmeth it by his Apoale lames, 'Die- Iames. r. 57, rygoodsitting and every pert ibgut ft ie from above, and comineth downe front-the Father of light. Lhefedtief}, This DoiEtriuehpiatine, 4ndyetnotwirhgantlingeuerit bathhad ,andeeeenin ayes hat h fame enemies. Such obieíl ions asl haue heard at times; I will propound vn- toyox, and [pray you anfnerethem. The f fl is this, if God rule all thinper by his preui- dence anddreEl ion,then mo fe be needs bee author o f finne,alfo,in that bee hindreth it not but fu fereth it to be,Flone. .Rnfs' I an''werc to this yourfirl doubt thus Time the argument is not good, neither