Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

'+.Comm4lid. vp.ori the Commandements. 4s. .nfiv, I haue.faid before if thou remember that the preci fe and firia rat of the Imes on this day was ceremonial' , and therefore now by Chrift taken away , that it bindeth not vs. And therefore touchingyourquel }ion and ourefhate in thefe daies vnder the Gofpell , very certaine it is,, that not euen in the feuenth day we (land fo tell, but that in it álfo we may worke , ifeyther neceffity fo vrgently requi- teth,or the deed done be greatly to the glory ofGod. Examples of the firfi are Dauid L$mg4a; eating the !hew bread, and the difciplesgathering and rubbing the cares ofcorne. Of the fecond , Chrift himfelfe healing ontheSabaothday many ,.which yet the hives thought to be vnlawfull.The difcourfe ofChrift touching this point in the Gofpell is very worthy noting , wherein bee flatly and ftrongly refuteth this fuperftitious con - eeiteof the Sabaoth in the ' harifecs , and all other bydiuersarguments :'as fjrilby the example ofDetuidabouenamed. Secondly ,of their lawful pra&ife,they circum- cite d children,and fkwe their facritces, &c,on the fabaoth. Thirdly,by the Leib mony of O(ee, I will rather haue mercy than facrrf ce, That is, loueto our brethren, than out - ward feruice. Fourthly , from the kite to the greater,it is lawful! on the fababth day to pull out a brute beat( that is fallen into a pit , or is in fuch like daunger,as needes it muff bee hclped, orelfeitperifheth ,therefare much more a man , &c. By all which youfee that man is not made for the Sabaoth, but the Sabaoth for man. And even in the right of our Car alto are in force fort Lordes ofthe Sabaoth , as in it,to doe what vrgent caufe conftraineth indcede,and may not conuenieatly be deferred. Quell. There a namedin the wordes of the commaundement the "banger that is within the gates.1pray you therefore hew ftrre shtakeyou this bindeth vs? "Infra. I doe willingly (lift tell you may opinion in euery thing ,. my feat and you al foItrufireadietoyeeldto better aduifewhen wee !hall heareit. For mypart I fee not how we may anfwete itto the Lord , if beeitrgprivate men and houfholders we fuffet within our gate to lurke and lichid, and thatrefufeth to obey the Lorde in tfm fanetifying of this day, as is commaundedtothe glorie of his name , after that loch meanes haue beene vfed for the reforming ofthtm as poffible we can. Andthemore Dew r ;; wey with myfelfe thatmoll ftraight law of the Lord for execution of them that éitoulde feeke to eflraunge any from the true God, the more I am confirmed by ebc very end , equity and meaning of it in this opinion againft all affeâion of kindred, aliance ,friendfhip,otwhatfoeuer. Read the wordes,andmarke the zeale which God rcquired, in all men towardes him,when as no means will reformeour friends , but they (lilt peraduenture tempt vs, and then by the way let it not paffe vnmarked I pray you, how ftraightly all mailers and mitlreffes Rand bound to fee that the Lord be her- come d not only in themfelues, but by man feruant and maidferuant,olde and young in their houles of difccetion , ofthe Sabaoth day feting GOD of purpofe nameth them:And fee again howe this naming ofthe ftrangerdoubleththe bond morc:vpon vs. For by comparifon if we (land charged with our (hanger and gueft , much more with our dailyferuants,children,&c. itmull needs bee,andindeed wey it well. Quell. Iam then thsrjIthinke fatisfedinroery point of this cornmaandement , neyther doe I remember what further to asks youherein, , Auf Thecommaundements of theLord.(faich Dauid). are exceedingbroad,nrither in dcede is any man able fo to lay open any one of them, but judgement by the giftof God increafed more may bee feene and efpied in them : but thus much now`4rall fuffrcefor my meafure,this ònely added, that thisreafon drawee for the Lords owne example, who -refted fròrrshis workoatl,i's day, ought greatly tomooue vstothe careful( keeping ofit, as euen the very fitly worde alto ofthe Law,for if you mulct ft, die cloth not fay, Keepe holy the Sabaothday ,, but Remember rekeepeit holy , that is, dtaua an earnefl care ofit, -andi n any cafe forget it not, but remember to keep it holy. And thus much of this Commaundcment. The