Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

5.Gommand. vpon the Commandements. 5'7 giueth it but if in wifedomc hee kitowe it better for them to be gathered to their fathers, then he taketh them away and rcconrpenceth want of temporall life with eternal]. ue(1. Tea hut that is not his promifethen, for hit promife is longlofeheire. s/Ìnfw. He that promifeth money, and giuethgolde , breaketh not his promife he that promifeth little and giuethmuch, breaketh not his promife : but fo doth the Lord with vs, and therefore who is bee that inthankefullypleadethagaìntlhis mercy? ua what fruitful! note; norr Lathery oseofthefewordes? .nfw, Firt we may note that the Lord ioyning a promife of mercy to this Corn_ mandement, and not dealing fo with any thing which he liketh not, greatly pleating out ofqueflion in bis fight is the keeping of this lawe : namely when cuery mau doth dutye where dutye is due, and in loue wee allowe, cherifh, and maintaine one another. .; Secondly if long life be a bletTng promifed to fuchas obey their P arents,3hd this obedience proceedeth greatly of good education, then they that cerclefly and vn_ godlily negleet the fame in their children, doe afmuch as lyeth in them Ihorten the dayes of theirpofierity. Lay wee allo in this promife annexed , note, that if long life be a guift ofGod, then cómeth itnot by nature or good conftitution of body, harsher or longer thanit pleafeth the fame God to blelfe themeanest and gtaunt it. And thus muchbtiefely in this Commaundement. The Application. Ow remaineth it to applie theft things: tooth- felues , emery one difelofsng iris life,and inward thoughtet before the Lord, mid before omr feltes,as nears ns wee eats, to the end that fight of _flans, if it be found in VS, 'may bring foorth forrowe : andginedgrace to form ffrengthto/land, if we canfinde we bane " had it, may ¡net caftonr thank: to thi Lard our God, who did fo afflvs. Let emery one wey their calling and e/late, fee what of them in this tore the Lordrequtreth; and what of them on their places hash berme performed. Children in duet) fobie Et to our Parents ,wee are orhaue deem' caerj one eve. !lake we then suer duos it, or prefently doe we in the true tellimony of a feeling can fcience reseerenee in heart, and by all outwardordi. Nary means chafe ordained infirumenrs by the Lord offe great good vnto oar natural! Pa- rents ? Netter hams our hearers hat bered any light or vnworthytsosogbt ofthem,or again! them ? Netter hauewee failed in any outward geffure to teftifteto the world eutbidden loge eT duetífsU regard of them ? Can ree fay in truth,what ofa childe any wayought to ber, or (to mitigate the matter a Irttle) what of vs poffibly could be performed in refpett of age; of /Irength, if ability, of tune and oportunity, with froth like, that of vs loath brew done e'er fudy,acidwillingytothem ? Oeonfeieneecaftingittsur teethes our corruption, thooaccu. fefi ws. There boiling hearts not bearing ¡soft reproef e,vnduttfully haue ooften ,ifwee could remem- ber it, re pined at their authority, impattenr y fretted at their dui torrent n, and themefl of vs ant of petition at one timeer other, if wee hake not openly thrown : out a turfe , yet hairs our hearses includeda wi/h, and wordes peraduenn%re vizored afmucb , not conformist emery may with our ¿ayes. Nay not earn outward vioknci: been oftredtt them by v:? toy= fit /I t sere the Sanger in heaven; if is t re.eth wee all couldanfwere, us. Boy God knower i guilty minds in many a one, doethffoppe his !peach, rnsd filthy fall to brate or wß to beats, them who brought hint foorth, doeth cry to God nttthàut repentance fora plague. Whitt fheuld I name, what fhould l fiare ti name, fe wi4 ítbring vs alfe,the mocking ofour Ca. rette: ? Where is that Childe,that bathcarefullj eotiehdto hit power and ewer borne wit& all in himfelfe thewant es ,er infirmities wharfoeaerofho :Parents ? o, no, the Lordhath netòntlyfomerhtngagasoft in thisbehalfe, keenest great and griettoue ¡Mob bci»i 01W fault