Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

6, Command. vpon the C ommandements. 63 Indeede it is not mans fpeach onely, but euen the doarineof the fpirit , [7 ZZ. God. For a for fullheart,faith Salomon,euufeth good health, &a farrewfull mind,drieth the 2117,'22. g bones. Heauinef é in the hart of rat in bringetb it d wne , bur a g ood word reiaicerh it yea,a ioyful! heart mal ethácheerefulfcountenance, and by the forrowof the heart , tin min* ts heauie. This do &rineof God bath titan by experience found euer fa true , that when i .verf,t3. any of therm in their writings hauefpoken ofcarc°and forrow , they hauegiuen voto themtheepithites of biting , eating, confuming care, and fuch like, becaufe indeede they haue that worke in their that are too much fubiea to them. Galen the Prince of Phifitions in his booke of the preferuation of health,affirmeth plainely that cares doe pull on and haften many difeafes in vs.Ar flotle a Philofopherfaith,that forrowdryeth and wafteththarnatural heat in vs wherein our life confifleth,and fo as is were giueth areafon of Galeras affertion. No doubt the thing is true ttyed and founde to their harmeinthoufandes. And therefore euen in this refpeet muff a Chrif+ian beware leaf+ the Lord haue againft him in the day ofiúdgement , that he fhortned his oivne life fuffering vhcomfortable- forrow to lie fitubbing and checking his heart within both day and night. Alas,what is it that euer happened to a man or woman in earth, which tart the mercy ofGod in Chrill IeCus towards them fo bitter,as that it may not be dclaied, and comforted euen with this,that God is on their fide, and who or what Rom 8; can be againft them ? both not euery thing,yea euen euerything happen for the belt to thofe that loue God? Haue a true heart, and meant not £alfely,and then fay in faith platen t I. as Dauid doth , My hel pecommethof God which preferueth them that are true ofheárt, Yea,let nice fay to all that euershall read this in the name of theLord ofheauen,when caute of humility happeneth , deferre not to be humbled , harden not your hearts in the day of affli&ion,butfacrifce them vp brufed and troubled to the Lorde, yet euer fo farreyeelde to forrowe , as that you conftantly and euen chearefullie holde that which followeth in the Prophet, A broken & contrite heart is neieerdefpifed.And there - forewhatfoeuer the niatteris , with Dauid vnto your fad foule in curry corner cry: O Lord hel r Why art theufofad,Omyfoul e, andwhy art thou fodifgoeetedinme ?Still truft inGod,fill pmnescorr trufi in God,forI will yet thanke him,he is the helpe of my countenance and myGod. valemus,&c. Thus tame ye the Lords leafure, be l +tong and her (hall comfortyour heart, and put Pfal4Z yourtruft in the Lord. Plat, 7. vlt. Queft. Thus then hafting fpoken ofa5luall murder or murder of the hand , as we fay, together with the branches thereof , proceede if you rhink,ç good to the murder of the tongue? n fw. That euen by the tongue alto this commaundement is broken, it is euident by the tef+imony ofourSauiour Chrift himfelfe, who expounding this law in the fift of Matthem,concludeth thetas in it that fay Racha, orthou foole to their hrethren,that Matt, s. is,that by bitter and vncomely fpecches fhewe their heartes to bee robbed ofloue, and to lodge an vnlawfull affe&ion towards them. Secondly,the comparifons which the fcripturevfeth ofthe tongue,prooueth plain- ly there is a murder by the tongue. It compareth it to poyfon, to fire, to fpeares,to fharpearrowes , and many fuchthinges, and all to teach that as thefe are theinftru- mentes of murder, fo is the tongue. Wherefore iuflly prayeth Dattid in his Pfalme, pe,,l.14. OLordedeliuermeefrom lying l ippes, and from a deceitful! tongue. Iuftlypronouncethhoe Iam.3. the curfe ofGod vpon it in another place, Paying that the Lordè (hall roote out all Plal.56. deceitfulllippes,andSaloman alfo flatly afhirmeth, that, he which bath a naughty tongue Pro Z t; fhallfall into enill. Matueilousmethinkeisalfothedifcourfeof that wife man Syrach r7. ao touching this matter,and to bee carefully weyed. a44horre (faith hee ) cheylaunderer and double tongued , forfuch haue deliroyed manie that were at peace,The double tongue loath Chap. as. difquieted many and drtuen them from nation to nation: ffrong cities bath it brokendawn and otter tbrowne the honfesofgreatmen : the flrength of the people bath it brought donate, and been the decay of mighty nations : the double tongue bath call out many verruous women , and robbed them of their labours. Who fö harkeneth unto it fhall Hauer finde ref?, neither eater dwell quietly. The Poke of the rod maketh markes in the PA , but the Poke ofthe tongue breaketh the bones. There be many that haste perehed by the edge of the G z fiord,