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furanceoffalvationmay beobtained. 99 words fpoken to the young man fo many hundred yeeres pafl tobe direbtedunto them : by the fame rulemay eve- ry faithful' foule interef{ himfelfe in all thegracious and lovely fpeeches wherewith God from time to time hath comforted his people, and take untohimfelfe thofe promi- fes, anfwers,and afiàrances that Godbath at any time made and givenunto them, refolvingofall the re(l, that which in onecafe theApofleexemplifyeth ofthat that was written ofthe Juffificationof Abraham,that thole things were not written for them only,but forthemalfowho beleeve ar they had done. The word then fpeaketh inparticular to them that be- leeve but can a Chrif ian know and bee af'furedthat he loth trulybeleeve? Such astruly beleeve, mayknowthey beleeve,as he that bath a jewell in his hand, mayknow that he hath it. Paul didknow onwhom heehad belceved : the poore man inthe Gofpel cryeth , LordI beleeve : David faith, Ideleeved, and therefore Ifpake ; Hezekiah pray- eth , Lordremember mehow Ihave walkedbeforethee in truth , and with aperfect heart John concludet h thus, Hereby weeknow thathe abideth in us, even by the Spirit which hehathgiven us. How could we fay every one We beleeve,i£we might not know it ? Canwee fpeake that tru- ly,whereofwe can haveno certaintie ? When I feeone, or truff to amans word promifing me this or that, I know I fee him, trua tohimand refl. on him forthat he bathpromifed: Shall I by faith fee Chrif} theSonne, and refl on him, and yetknow no fuch thing? Carnali confidence maybedifcer- ned, why thenfhould itbe impoffible for a truebeleever to know that beedothbeleeve? The Spirit ofman difcerneth what is inman : he knowethwhat is in himfelfe, though not everthemeafure or quantitiethereof. . Hee that loveth his brother, knoweth the love wherewithbee lovethhim : and he that beleeveth in God,may know the faith wherewith hebeleeveth. Many beguile themfelves, while they (land inopinion theydoebeleeve,andbeleevenot at all. What then ? Shall Hz bee Rom.q.z; z Tim.I.T2. Mar. 9. 24. Pfal.rlF,Io. 2 Cor413. era), ; s. 3, 4 : Joh.3 .z4. , John 3.v. I cor.2. I T.