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esl Tableofthe prixcipall matters eternities fuggeiteth, that wee are under the hand of God, who cor- re &eth in meafure and for our profit; who hath determined the time and weight-of our aííí.&i. ons , and by his bleffing will turne them toour good , pag.3 3 8 8 3. Faith fetteth a man 3a- bout his worke , that is, ferionily to make enquiry into his heart and wayes , deepely to humble himfelfe before God,and fervent- ly tointreat mercy for finne paff, wifedome to make ufe of prefent mifery,and favour to,p. 339, 340 4. Faith raifeth the heart to exiled abundance ofmercy from God,and through prayer and fup- ply of the Spirit to reape profit and tafle comfort anfwerable to the forrowes it hash felt and en- dured, p.34o,34t Living by faith in times oftriall and vifrtation, doth fit and prepare the heart to thankful- neffe when light thall thine from on high : and that fo much themore, as our affil&i- ons have beene the (harper, p. r In affii&ion faith feemeth tobee molt weake, and corruption moil (timing. t. Many doubtfull thoughts afcend inChriffians hearts,pardy becaufe they know not thatthey are allowed to live by faith in an alifted fame, partly becaufe they judge amiffe of their afíh&ions, p.341,34Z z. Godsphyfeke, whileft it is driving out corruption, makes us feele and complaineof it more thanever, p.341 3. In aftiltlions faith is tri- ed, the fweetneftè of it is not fo much felt, ibid. 4. It is the office of faith to receive the portion, and further the kindlyworking of it , which cannot be done, uniefle it ftirre up godly forrow, and wreftle painfully to driveout corruption, Helpes to ftirre up faith in pde3e43 pe affii &ions when all meaues facie. i. Wee muff lay open ou, forrowes before the Lord, and powre out our complaint before him, p343,344 a. Confefie our fumes with hatred and godly forrow , pag. 3. Take up our hearts for hal- ting throughunbeleeje , and call upon them to reft in the promife of divine aid, affiftance, and deli- verance, p.344 341 4. Importune theLord, and direct our fupplications before him, P.346 5. Quicken our refolution to truft in the Lord at all times , even when all refuge faileth, p. 346,347 CHAP. VIII. GOd hath mademany promi- fes of earthly bleffìngs,p. In fpeciall the Lord promi34h length ofdaies,healch,ftrength, wealth,favour, peace,joy,good fucc'lle,fafety,goodname: and all thefenot onely to the righ- teous tht mfelves, but to their children andpofterity, p,348, 349350 It