Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

Mr. Richard Baxter. I 2 3 of all that remains of his Eflate after the Legacies to his Kindred, for the benefit of the Souls and Bodies of the Poor. He continu- ed to preach fo long notwithflan- ding his wafted languithing Body, that the laft time, he almoft.died in thePulpit. It would have been his joy to have been transfigured in the Mount. Not long after his laft Sermon, he felt the Approaches of Death, and was confin'd to his lick Bed. Death reveals the Secrets of the Heart, then words are fpoken with moil feeling and leaft Affectation. This excellent Saint was the fame in his Life and Death : his laft Hours were fpent in preparing o- thers and himfelf to appear before God. He Paid to his Friends that vifited him, Thu come hither to learn to dye, I am not the onely Ferfon that mull go this way, I can affure you, that your whole Life be it