Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

4 Funeral,Serino= on nice Defires of our fupreme Fa- culties. Thofewho are now in- chanted with its Allurements, within a little while will fee through its falfe Colours. As when one awakes, all the plea- fant Scenes of Fancy in his Dream vanifh fo when the Soul is awakened in the End of Life, the World and the Lufs thereof pafs array, and the re- membrance of them. I tall add further ; What clearerEvidence canwe haveof the worthoftheSoul, than from God'sEfleem,the Creator of it ? Now When God forefaw the Revolture of our firfr Parent, that brought him under a dou- ble Death in one Sentence, tem- poral and eternal, and that ail Mankind was defperately loft in him, then his compafiïonate Counfels were concerning his Recovery : His Love and Wif- dom