Bates - BT775 B274 1675

i ontribing tiri' Rettniption. 97 way, is juitlymagnified by us. Now what is moreapt Chap. V. to inflame our love to God, than the admirable ex- N,J prefhon of his Love to us, in that with the moll pre- cious Blood he ranfom'd us from Hell? How doth it endear Obedience, that God bath facrificed his Son, to keep us from aEts of hofility ? So that the Grace of theGofpel is fo far from indulging Sin, that it gives the molt deadly wound to it. Efpecially when the tenour of the new Covenant is, That the Condemned Crea- ture, in order to receiving Pardon , and the Benefits that are purchafed, muli receive the BenefaEtor with the molt intire confent for his Prince and Saviour. The Lawof Faith requires us to fubmit to his Scepter, as well as to depend upon his Sacrifice. The Gofpel is a conditional AEt of oblivion, that none mayventure to fin upon confidence of Pardon. And fence the occafionof the Fall was from aconceit that Mancould better his eftate by complying with the Tempter, and obtain a more defirableHappinefs in the Creature, than in theFavour of God : his Recovery is by revealing to him wherein true Bleffednefs confilts ; and giving him an affurance that he may obtain it. For Man will never fubje& himfelf to God as his Higheft Lord, till he looks on him as his laft End, and Soveraign Good. Now the Gofpel offers to us the molt "effe&ual means, to convince Man of the folly of his choice, in making the Creature his Happinefs. For theSon ofGod whowas Heir of all things during his continuance in theworld; was in the perpetual ex- ercife of Self -denial. He lived a defpifed Life, and died an ignominious Death, to difcover to us, That as themiferies of this Life can't make us truly miferable, fo the.profperities of it can't makeus truly happy. Be- fides, how is it poffible that the wretched enjoyment of this World, Ihould be the Bleffednefs for which He O fpertt