Bates - BT775 B274 1675

The Preface; delightful to know the means by which we may obtain it ; and to employ the flying moments ofour fhort time in thole things that are profitable for our ¡all End, that wemay not lofe TemporalandEternalLife together. Mary of the ancient and Modern Divines have written of this noble Ar- gument, from whom I have received be- nefit in the following compofure. ` gut none, as I know, bath confidered all the parts together, andprefented them in one view. ThereHill remains a rich abun- dancefor the erpetual exercife ofour Spi- rits. The Eternal Word alone was able toperfEl all things by once f fieal- g. Humane words are but an Echo that anfwers the Voice of God, and can- not fully exprefs its Power, nor raft fo immediately through the fenfe to the Heart, but they mull be repeated. May theft Vifcourfs