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in Contribing lRebtunptton; 87 of the caufes of our Salvation, the Redeemer muff Chap. V. be ordain'd, and Salvation purchas'd before the Di --j vine Power is put forth to enable the Soul to receive it, and accordingly 'tis the Office of the Spirit, who is the Power ofGod, and by whom the Father and the Son take r. 3s executeall things, to render elf-canal the Redemption procured by the Son. Briefly, The Million of the Perlons is according to their principle. The Father fends the Son to acquire John 3. 3.7. Salvation for us ; the Son fends the spirit to apply it. John 16; 7: Thus there is no diffurbing of their Sacred order. More particularly in appointing the Son to affame the Humane Nature, and to reffore lapfed Man, the Wifdom of God is evident ; For by that, I. The Properties of the sacred Perlons are prefer- yeaintire : the fameTide is appropriated to both Na- tures inour Mediatour. His Irate on Earth correfponds with his Irate in Heaven. He is the only Son from Eternity, and the fa'rff-born in time : and the Honour due to the eternal and divine, and to the temporal but. fnpernatúral Sonihip, is attributed to Him, 2. To unite the glorious Titles of Creator and Re- deemer in theCame Perfon. The Father made theworld Hub, 24. by the Son.. By this title he had anoriginal propriety in Man, which could not be extinguiiht : Though we had forfeited our Right in Him, He did not lofe his Right in us. Our contra& with Satan could not nul- lifie it. Now 'twas confonant that the son (hould be employed to recover his own, that the Creator inthe beginning (hould be the Redeemer in the fulnefs of time. 3. Who could more fitly re(fore us to Favour, and the Right of Children, than theonlybegotten, and on- ly beloved Son, who is tho fingular and everla(fing' oba'