Bates - BT825 B37 1683

upon D EAT H. news the Will and Affections, in- fpires the Soul with divine and unutterable delires after the Fa- 'your and Grace ofGod,and com- municates ípiritual Power for the profecution and obtaining thole Delires. The holy Spirit raites filch a Love to God, that habitually and ftr:ongly inclines the Soul to obey his Commands. This is the mofr clear and efï- fential Characîer of a Chriflian, the fpecial and moR excellent Property of a Saint, upon which all other holy qualifications de- pend. As Reafon is the fira and chief excellence of Man, from wìence his other Perfetions are derived that diffinguifh him from the Brutes, and give him a natural and regular preheminence and dominion over them, fo that a Mn o is rraof' properly defined a 105