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upon Eternal Judgment. for God himfelf. We read that no Man in Heaven, or Earth, w s Rev. S. able to open the Sealed Book of his Eternal (;ounjels, as unfearchable as deep : only Jefus Chrift, whowas in the bofom of the Father, the Seat of his Counfels and Compafi- ons, and was acquainted with all his Glorious Secrets, could un- fold the Order of the Divine De- crees about the Church. And if no Creature was worthy to be admitted into God's Counfel, much lens to be taken into his Throne. The Eternal Son, the exprefs Image of his Perfon, is alone fit to be his authorifed Reprefen- tative in Judgment. Our Sav- our declares, that the Father in- vetted the Son with this Regal Power, that all Ivien Jhould honour y. the Son, with the fame religious Reverence, and fupreme adorati- on, as they honour the Father. z. Upon 3'