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upon DEATH. 1 37 fweeten our pailage to Heaven, we may with tranquillityof Spi- rit make a pure and chearful ule of them in his fervice ; and 'tis an opprefìng bondage,when the di[ quieting anxious fears of death hinders our temperate enjoy- ment ofhis Favours andBleifings. 2. 1 he fear of Death oppreiles the Souls of Men under a mire- rable Bondage to the Devil ; for his Dominion is maintain'd by the Allurements and Terrors of the World.ThoMendo not explicitly acknowledg his Soveraigncy, yet by voluntary yielding to his plea- ting temptations, they are really his Slaves. And the apprehen- fonof temporal Evils, ef$ecial ly of Death, dreft up in a fright- ful repretentation, with its bloo- dy pomp, is the tlrongeí snare Pro.. , to the Soul. The faint-hearted prove falle-hearted in the time of D 3 trial